Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-17 Thread Myles English

Hi Suvayu,

Suvayu Ali writes:

 Actually, I am working on a workflow for large writing projects, my PhD
 thesis in this case :-p.  What I have in mind is have a Makefile based
 build system that uses `emacs --batch' to export to LaTeX and html.  The
 images are generated separately using babel blocks or standalone TeX
 files with TikZ code.  I intend to make pdf images for LaTeX and convert
 them to png/svg with imagemagick/inkscape.  Of course all of this is
 still a pipe dream; if I get it working, I'll definitely write a Worg
 page on it.  Of course it will be great if people with interesting ideas
 pitch in :).  I expect to have an early working environment in a couple
 of months.

I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  (I have mentioned
this before, however) I have been using a CMake system for LaTeX export:

This allows (amongst other things) generating graphics from stand alone
R scripts that get their own data from a database.  I believe the new
version has some kind of support for SVG.  I used this system for
several papers and my thesis and it has three main advantages:

1) out-of-source builds, so my working dir doesn't get cluttered with
LaTeX files

2) asynchronous export of org to LaTeX (although this is now available
with the new exporter)

3) the graphics are regenerated every time so I know it all still

I tangle a CMakeList.txt from every org file that I want to export, then
run cmake ~/path; make from the commandline.

(Version control as part of this workflow is possibly another topic: I
have been using git subtrees to make project-local copies of files such
as mystyle.sty and mybiblatex.bib and then update the main git repo with
the changes, and pull the changes down to another project.)

I'll just paste the whole CMakeList.txt so you can see what it looks
like, but the most interesting part is the emacs --batch command:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle CMakeLists.txt
  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

  project(relk NONE)


  # export the .tex file from the .org file
  # using the emacs orgmode exporter

  file(COPY /home/myles/lib/lisp/my-export.el DESTINATION ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ )
  add_custom_target( orgfile ALL
  add_custom_target( elfile ALL
  COMMAND emacs --batch --eval \(progn
  (add-to-list 'load-path
  (expand-file-name \\~/.emacs.d/plugins/org-mode/lisp/\\))
(add-to-list 'load-path
  (expand-file-name \\~/.emacs.d/plugins/org-mode/contrib/lisp/\\ 
  (require 'org)
(require 'ox)
  (require 'org-exp)
(require 'org-inlinetask)
  '((emacs-lisp . t)
  (sh . t)))
  (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
  (setq org-export-with-todo-keywords nil)
  (setq org-export-babel-evaluate nil)
  (load-file \\my-export.el\\)
  (add-to-list 'org-export-before-parsing-hook 
  (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions
  (find-file \\${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/\\)
  DEPENDS orgfile elfile
  COMMENT Exporting orgmode file to LaTeX using emacs)
  add_custom_target( mainfile ALL

  # Set R executable
  set(R_COMPILE /usr/bin/Rscript)
  # Set the location of data files
  ##set(DATA_DIR data)
  # Set the location of the directory for image files
  set(IMAGE_DIR graphicsauto)

  # Get a list of R files

  # Copy over all R scripts
  # add_custom_command(
  #   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
  # )

  foreach(file ${R_FILES})
  message(processing ${file})
  get_filename_component(basename ${file} NAME_WE)
  # # Replace strings in R files so data files can be found
  # file(READ
  # file_contents
  # )
  # string(REPLACE ${DATA_DIR} 

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Vikas Rawal
  I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @
  I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I would
  like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would like org to
  insert a line like the following between \end(tabular} and \end{table}
  \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text here. 
 I do not think this is possible.  You have to realise that Org does not
 aim to support everything you can do with a backend natively.  One of
 the primary reasons for that is the backend agnostic abstraction
 provided by Org.

I have seen some way of doing things like this. See section 13.3 at

I can't get it to work though. Will keep trying.

 When in need of specific needs like this, I resort to writing LaTeX

I guess one thing about org-mode is that it is addictive. Afterall, if
it is something to do with manipulating text, it ought to be possible

There is also a reason for not doing it natively in latex even if the
org-mode solution is somewhat round-about. I am writing a research
paper using orgmode, with embedded R source blocks in it. I do not
mind embedding some latex source block into it but I would not like to
edit an exported latex file. After all, in the end, the objective is
to be able to have an org file which produces a full paper when exported.


Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Thomas Alexander Gerds
Hi Vikas

I am not sure I understand the problem correctly, but how about this?

Here is a table produced by a R-src block
with some descriptive text in a minipage:


#+BEGIN_SRC R  :results output latex  :exports results  :session *R* :cache yes 
tab - matrix(1:12,nrow=4)
cat(\\tiny{ Note: some descriptive text}\n)
nix - apply(tab,1,function(x)cat(paste(x,collab=),\n))

#+RESULTS[2013-04-16 15:11:58 964853177d477abc1cba212a72dde1f7cf3251c0]:

\tiny{ Note: some descriptive text}
1  5  9  \\
2  6  10  \\
3  7  11  \\
4  8  12  \\


cheers Thomas

Vikas Rawal writes:

  I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @
  I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I
  would like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would
  like org to insert a line like the following between \end(tabular}
  and \end{table}
  \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text
  here. \end{minipage}
  I do not think this is possible.  You have to realise that Org does
 not aim to support everything you can do with a backend natively.
 One of the primary reasons for that is the backend agnostic
 abstraction provided by Org.

 I have seen some way of doing things like this. See section 13.3 at

 I can't get it to work though. Will keep trying.

  When in need of specific needs like this, I resort to writing LaTeX

 I guess one thing about org-mode is that it is addictive. Afterall, if
 it is something to do with manipulating text, it ought to be possible

 There is also a reason for not doing it natively in latex even if the
 org-mode solution is somewhat round-about. I am writing a research
 paper using orgmode, with embedded R source blocks in it. I do not
 mind embedding some latex source block into it but I would not like to
 edit an exported latex file. After all, in the end, the objective is
 to be able to have an org file which produces a full paper when

Thomas A. Gerds -- Assoc. Prof. Department of Biostatistics
University of Copenhagen, Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 Copenhagen, Denmark
Office: CSS-15.2.07 (Gamle Kommunehospital)
tel: 35327914 (sec: 35327901) 

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hi Vikas,

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 05:26:19PM +0530, Vikas Rawal wrote:
   I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @
   I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I would
   like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would like org to
   insert a line like the following between \end(tabular} and \end{table}
   \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text here. 
  I do not think this is possible.  You have to realise that Org does not
  aim to support everything you can do with a backend natively.  One of
  the primary reasons for that is the backend agnostic abstraction
  provided by Org.
 I have seen some way of doing things like this. See section 13.3 at
 I can't get it to work though. Will keep trying.

Many of the things on that page is old exporter specific and probably
will not work with the new exporter.

 There is also a reason for not doing it natively in latex even if the
 org-mode solution is somewhat round-about. I am writing a research
 paper using orgmode, with embedded R source blocks in it. I do not
 mind embedding some latex source block into it but I would not like to
 edit an exported latex file. After all, in the end, the objective is
 to be able to have an org file which produces a full paper when exported.

Then generate LaTeX tables from R not Org tables.  As far as I know, R
is capable of that.  I believe you can pass the :wrap latex option to
the babel block to wrap your LaTeX table with

I'm suggesting this because if you continue on this path, i.e. litter
your Org file with hacks, soon you will end up with an extremely fragile
and complicated Org project.  I have been down that road while writing
my thesis.  At one point I realised the problem and made the decision to
split things into two kinds of files: static content (document
structuring, text, plots, etc), and dynamic content (babel, TikZ blocks
that generate tables, plots, figures, etc used by the static content
files).  It is still reproducible research, but modular and less hacky
(hence more stable).

Of course all of this is my personal opinion, it might be completely
inappropriate advise for your use case.

Good luck,


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha all,

Jumping in here with apologies :)

Suvayu Ali writes:

 Hi Vikas,

 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 05:26:19PM +0530, Vikas Rawal wrote:
   I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @
   I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I would
   like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would like org to
   insert a line like the following between \end(tabular} and \end{table}
   \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text
   here. \end{minipage}
  I do not think this is possible.  You have to realise that Org does not
  aim to support everything you can do with a backend natively.  One of
  the primary reasons for that is the backend agnostic abstraction
  provided by Org.
 I have seen some way of doing things like this. See section 13.3 at
 I can't get it to work though. Will keep trying.

 Many of the things on that page is old exporter specific and probably
 will not work with the new exporter.

Yes, this page is all about workarounds for the old exporter.  I believe
John Hendy is reorganizing this material and at some point will either
remove the tutorial or label it clearly as specific to the old exporter.

 There is also a reason for not doing it natively in latex even if the
 org-mode solution is somewhat round-about. I am writing a research
 paper using orgmode, with embedded R source blocks in it. I do not
 mind embedding some latex source block into it but I would not like to
 edit an exported latex file. After all, in the end, the objective is
 to be able to have an org file which produces a full paper when exported.

 Then generate LaTeX tables from R not Org tables.  As far as I know, R
 is capable of that.  I believe you can pass the :wrap latex option to
 the babel block to wrap your LaTeX table with

One reason to stick with Org tables is to ensure stylistic consistency
in the LaTeX output for all tables, regardless of where they originated.
This is more of a convenience than anything else, since the approach you
suggest can yield arbitrarily styled tables, too.

 I'm suggesting this because if you continue on this path, i.e. litter
 your Org file with hacks, soon you will end up with an extremely fragile
 and complicated Org project.  I have been down that road while writing
 my thesis.  At one point I realised the problem and made the decision to
 split things into two kinds of files: static content (document
 structuring, text, plots, etc), and dynamic content (babel, TikZ blocks
 that generate tables, plots, figures, etc used by the static content
 files).  It is still reproducible research, but modular and less hacky
 (hence more stable).

The path to a fragile and complicated Org project is well-worn, I've
been down it too many times myself. The habits I've developed over time
have helped, but I think they are less systematic than what you've
devised. I'd love to see some notes on your solution as a brief tutorial
or an expanded FAQ on Worg.  I'll be happy to contribute or help if you
find time to do something like this.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hey Tom,

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:07:26AM -1000, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
 Aloha all,
 Jumping in here with apologies :)

Isn't that why we discuss on mailing lists, so that people can jump in

  I'm suggesting this because if you continue on this path, i.e. litter
  your Org file with hacks, soon you will end up with an extremely fragile
  and complicated Org project.  I have been down that road while writing
  my thesis.  At one point I realised the problem and made the decision to
  split things into two kinds of files: static content (document
  structuring, text, plots, etc), and dynamic content (babel, TikZ blocks
  that generate tables, plots, figures, etc used by the static content
  files).  It is still reproducible research, but modular and less hacky
  (hence more stable).
 The path to a fragile and complicated Org project is well-worn, I've
 been down it too many times myself. The habits I've developed over time
 have helped, but I think they are less systematic than what you've
 devised. I'd love to see some notes on your solution as a brief tutorial
 or an expanded FAQ on Worg.  I'll be happy to contribute or help if you
 find time to do something like this.

Actually, I am working on a workflow for large writing projects, my PhD
thesis in this case :-p.  What I have in mind is have a Makefile based
build system that uses `emacs --batch' to export to LaTeX and html.  The
images are generated separately using babel blocks or standalone TeX
files with TikZ code.  I intend to make pdf images for LaTeX and convert
them to png/svg with imagemagick/inkscape.  Of course all of this is
still a pipe dream; if I get it working, I'll definitely write a Worg
page on it.  Of course it will be great if people with interesting ideas
pitch in :).  I expect to have an early working environment in a couple
of months.



Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Hi Suvayu,

Suvayu Ali writes:

 Hey Tom,

 Actually, I am working on a workflow for large writing projects, my PhD
 thesis in this case :-p.  What I have in mind is have a Makefile based
 build system that uses `emacs --batch' to export to LaTeX and html.  The
 images are generated separately using babel blocks or standalone TeX
 files with TikZ code.  I intend to make pdf images for LaTeX and convert
 them to png/svg with imagemagick/inkscape.  Of course all of this is
 still a pipe dream; if I get it working, I'll definitely write a Worg
 page on it.  Of course it will be great if people with interesting ideas
 pitch in :).  I expect to have an early working environment in a couple
 of months.

This sounds like the system I was using near the end of the old
exporter's life. When Nicolas added asynchronous export to the new
exporter I was able to abandon the Makefile. Lately, I've been tangling
init.el files from my source document. I really like this approach
because the asynchronous exporter starts off with a fresh emacs instance
(the infamous emacs -Q, I think) and you don't have to worry if your
.emacs has an old setting that has some weird effect on export--all of
the setup is in the babel block that generates the init.el file. I like
that the init.el setup travels with the document in the Org mode file. I
think it helps with reproducibility.

All the best,

T.S. Dye  Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

Re: [O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-14 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hello Vikas,

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 01:36:01PM +0530, Vikas Rawal wrote:
 I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @
 I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I would
 like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would like org to
 insert a line like the following between \end(tabular} and \end{table}
 \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text here. 

I do not think this is possible.  You have to realise that Org does not
aim to support everything you can do with a backend natively.  One of
the primary reasons for that is the backend agnostic abstraction
provided by Org.

When in need of specific needs like this, I resort to writing LaTeX

Hope this helps somehow,


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

[O] Latex export of tables

2013-04-12 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am using org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-247-gbc3ccd @

I have a table generated by a source block in a document that I would
like to export to latex. In the exported tex file, I would like org to
insert a line like the following between \end(tabular} and \end{table}

\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text here. 

Can somebody suggest what I could do to insert this?

I have been playing with something like the following but am not able
to get it right.

#+LATEX: {
#+NAME: table-name-out
#+CAPTION: Average gross value of output and net income from cultivation of 
wheat intercropped with rapeseed, by class, Mahatwar (Rupees per acre, 2005-06 
#+attr_latex: :environment tabulary :width 15cm :align l|RRR 
#+RESULTS: source_code_name
| A | B | C |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 | 4 |
#+LATEX: \begin{minipage}{} \tiny Note: Some descriptive text 
here.#\end{minipage}  }
