Re: [O] Makefile to export to html/pdf using emacsclient

2013-10-09 Thread Nick Dokos
Garrido Xavier writes:

 Dear orgers,

 Sometimes ago Eric Schulte posted a Makefile to run the exporter in a
 asynchronous way (see I
 am wondering if it is possible to use =emacsclient= in order not to
 load any special init file but the current emacs settings. I have
 tried to setup something like that

 emacsclient -n --eval '(org-beamer-export-to-pdf)'

 but then I get stuck inside my current emacs frame waiting for an
 output file. Can someone helps me on this issue. Maybe the solution is
 trivial and I'm too noob to catch it.

Shot in the dark: what happens if you use (org-beamer-export-to-pdf t)?

Re: [O] Makefile to export to html/pdf using emacsclient

2013-10-09 Thread Garrido Xavier

Le 09/10/2013 16:34, Nick Dokos a écrit :

Garrido Xavier writes:

Dear orgers,

Sometimes ago Eric Schulte posted a Makefile to run the exporter in a
asynchronous way (see I
am wondering if it is possible to use =emacsclient= in order not to
load any special init file but the current emacs settings. I have
tried to setup something like that

emacsclient -n --eval '(org-beamer-export-to-pdf)'

but then I get stuck inside my current emacs frame waiting for an
output file. Can someone helps me on this issue. Maybe the solution is
trivial and I'm too noob to catch it.

Shot in the dark: what happens if you use (org-beamer-export-to-pdf t)?

The same, it is still waiting for an output file.

Following Myles answer I get something almost working by doing

emacsclient -n --eval '(progn (find-file'

It switches the buffer to the in my current emacs frame but 
it is almost working.




  |__ GARRIDO Xavier   Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire
   /\ NEMO Université Paris-Sud 11
  /--\ UMR 8607
  | Batiment 200
  |__ +33 Orsay Cedex, France

[O] Makefile to export to html/pdf using emacsclient

2013-10-08 Thread Garrido Xavier

Dear orgers,

Sometimes ago Eric Schulte posted a Makefile to run the exporter in a 
asynchronous way (see 
I am wondering if it is possible to use =emacsclient= in order not to 
load any special init file but the current emacs settings. I have tried 
to setup something like that

emacsclient -n --eval '(org-beamer-export-to-pdf)'

but then I get stuck inside my current emacs frame waiting for an output 
file. Can someone helps me on this issue. Maybe the solution is trivial 
and I'm too noob to catch it.

Thanks for your help,

  |__ GARRIDO Xavier   Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire
   /\ NEMO Université Paris-Sud 11
  /--\ UMR 8607
  | Batiment 200
  |__ +33 Orsay Cedex, France

Re: [O] Makefile to export to html/pdf using emacsclient

2013-10-08 Thread Myles English

Hi Xavier,

I am not an expert but perhaps my reply will do until someone more
knowledgeable comes along. writes:

 Dear orgers,

 Sometimes ago Eric Schulte posted a Makefile to run the exporter in a 
 asynchronous way (see 
 I am wondering if it is possible to use =emacsclient= in order not to 
 load any special init file but the current emacs settings. I have tried 
 to setup something like that

 emacsclient -n --eval '(org-beamer-export-to-pdf)'

 but then I get stuck inside my current emacs frame waiting for an output 
 file. Can someone helps me on this issue. Maybe the solution is trivial 
 and I'm too noob to catch it.

I think your command tells emacsclient to open

You could try this:

emacs -Q --batch -l my-config.el --eval \
  '(progn (find-file'

Where my-config.el sets load paths and loads all the things it needs
(e.g. org-mode).  If you don't load a config file you need to specify
everything in the --eval option.  For example here is what I have been
using, (it has extra escape characters (i.e. \\) and no line
continuations because it was read from a file):

emacs -Q --batch --eval \(progn
  (add-to-list 'load-path
   (add-to-list 'load-path
\\~/.emacs.d/plugins/org-mode/contrib/lisp/\\ t))
  (require 'org)
   (require 'ox)
  (require 'org-exp)
   (require 'org-inlinetask)
  (require 'ob-plantuml)
   (setq org-plantuml-jar-path 
  '((emacs-lisp . t)
  (sh . t)
  (plantuml . t)))
   (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
   (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)
  (setq org-latex-with-hyperref nil)
 (add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '(
(add-to-list 'org-latex-classes 
'(\\mynewthesis\\ documentclass[11pt]{mythesis}\\
 (chapter{%s}\\ . chapter*{%s}\\)
 (section{%s}\\ . section*{%s}\\)
 (subsection{%s}\\ . subsection*{%s}\\)
 (subsubsection{%s}\\ . subsubsection*{%s}\\)
 (paragraph{%s}\\ . paragraph*{%s}\\)))
 (setq org-export-with-todo-keywords nil)
 (load-library \\/home/myles/lib/lisp/my-export.el\\)
 (add-to-list 'org-export-before-parsing-hook 
 (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions 
  (load-file \\thesis.el\\)
  (find-file \\${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/\\)
