
As discussed a few days ago on this list, Carsten and the other developers are 
interested in what and how us users are customizing Org mode. This was first 
done in 2009, so a re-do of the survey is useful as is for how people are using 
Org now, as well as a comparison to the past.

Carsten provided the function that was used before to collect the raw data and 
I am working on the data collection and summarization this time around.

I have place the function on Github,

The raw elisp is at:

All you need to do is:
1. Load and eval the function
2. Execute (interactive) org-customization-survey
3. Review the buffer, cleanse for sensitive information if any
4. Email the buffer to (If your Emacs is configured for 
email, C-c C-c will send)


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