Greetings.  I'd like to know if there is some way to "tag" the output of a
source-code block so as to indicate which line of the source-code block
produced the output.

In the appended example, the results of computing both "myMat" and
"diag(myMat)" are juxtaposed.  I'm looking for a way to indicate that the
first part of the output is from "myMat", and the second is from

I understand that I could achieve the effect by using separate source-code
blocks and/or just inserting print statements into the source-code block.  I
just thought that there might be some Org-mode feature that I've overlooked.
(And, of course, the situation is not always as simple as in this example.)


-- Mike

#+PROPERTY: session *R*
#+PROPERTY: cache yes
#+PROPERTY: results output verbatim
#+PROPERTY: exports both
#+PROPERTY: tangle yes

* Test


  myMat <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), nrow=3)

:      [,1] [,2] [,3]
: [1,]    1    4    7
: [2,]    2    5    8
: [3,]    3    6    9
: [1] 1 5 9

Org-mode version 7.8.03 (release_7.8.03.237.g674bb)

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