Hey, list!

When I clock into a task, I get a nice notification in my mode line.
Except there's always been this one thing that confuses me.

With an effort property on the task, the mode line looks like this:

    [0:00/0:30] (the task headline)

But with no effort property set, the mode line looks like this:

    [0:00 (the task headline)]

Note that the headline is outside the square brackets in the first
case, and inside in the second case.

Does that look inconsistent to anybody else?  I would have expected
the no-effort-property case to look like this:

    [0:00] (the task headline)

The next email contains a patch I've been using to make the two
consistent, in case this makes sense to you all.  FYI, I signed the
FSF copyright paperwork a long time ago.



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