I have not been able to find a way to cache the results of a tangle.
I typically have a date+tree with lots of "code" snippets for ledger.  I'm 
giving an example code snippet below

* 2013 :noexport:
** 2013-05 May
*** 2013-05-23 Thursday
#+name: foo
#+begin_src ledger
2013-05-23 * Silly Stuff
 Expenses:Time Waster  $42
*** 2013-05-24 Friday
#+name: foo
#+begin_src ledger
2013-05-24 * More Dumb Spending
 Expenses:Time Waster  $69
#+name: bar
#+begin_src ledger
2013-05-24 * Business Stuff
 Expenses:BB Stacking  $11.38

* Results
** Nothing :noexport:
#+name: everything
#+begin_src ledger
** Balance
#+name: exampleBalance
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline balance :noweb yes :exports results
** Register
#+name: exampleRegister
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline reg :noweb yes :exports results
** Just Bank
#+name: exampleBalanceBank
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline balance Bank :noweb yes :exports results

What I'm wondering is if there is a way to get babel to tangle the named block 
"everything" once, and then run all the ledger commands on that one file.  
Maybe it already does it, and I'm a fool, but it from a visceral timing 
perspective it feels like it is in serial tangling, running ledger, inserting 
the text, deleting the results of the tangle, then rinsing and repeating.

If the secret is to rearrange how I do things, I'm happy to do that a little 
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 the man who cannot read them."
 -- Mark Twain

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