
I noticed that the html export does not export correctly the following
table, although it does if I wrap it in a table environment. I also
tried some other table environment such a longtable and noticed that
somehow the environment name gets hijacked \begin{longtable}
becomes \begin{longtable*}.

I you are struggling with the same issue you can get away with #+LATEX_HEADER:
for the time being. :-).

Best regards,

** export go through not correctly.
 #+begin_src latex :results  raw
 \begin{tabular}{l c c c c c }
  & pooled & ind & ind+time & mundlak & within \\
 Intercept  & $43.95^{***}$ & $37.48^{***}$ & $36.35^{***}$ & $34.41$      & 
$87.96^{***}$ \\
            & $(5.68)$      & $(7.47)$      & $(9.08)$      & $(39.06)$    & 
$(5.94)$      \\
 score      & $5.03^{***}$  & $5.10^{***}$  & $4.88^{***}$  & $4.88^{***}$ & 
$4.88^{***}$  \\
            & $(1.16)$      & $(1.19)$      & $(1.24)$      & $(1.21)$     & 
$(1.22)$      \\
 score-i    &               &               &               & $-2.30$      &    
            &               &               &               & $(6.94)$     &    
 score-t    &               &               &               & $4.60$       &    
            &               &               &               & $(5.50)$     &    
 R$^2$      & 0.16          & 0.18          & 0.19          & 0.17         & 
0.14          \\
 Adj. R$^2$ & 0.15          & 0.14          & 0.11          & 0.14         & 
0.13          \\
 Num. obs.  & 100           & 100           & 100           & 100          & 
100           \\
 RMSE       & 23.90         & 24.13         & 24.55         & 24.04        & 
24.20         \\

** exports correctly
#+begin_src latex :results  raw
 \begin{tabular}{l c c c c c }
  & pooled & ind & ind+time & mundlak & within \\
 Intercept  & $43.95^{***}$ & $37.48^{***}$ & $36.35^{***}$ & $34.41$      & 
$87.96^{***}$ \\
            & $(5.68)$      & $(7.47)$      & $(9.08)$      & $(39.06)$    & 
$(5.94)$      \\
 score      & $5.03^{***}$  & $5.10^{***}$  & $4.88^{***}$  & $4.88^{***}$ & 
$4.88^{***}$  \\
            & $(1.16)$      & $(1.19)$      & $(1.24)$      & $(1.21)$     & 
$(1.22)$      \\
 score-i    &               &               &               & $-2.30$      &    
            &               &               &               & $(6.94)$     &    
 score-t    &               &               &               & $4.60$       &    
            &               &               &               & $(5.50)$     &    
 R$^2$      & 0.16          & 0.18          & 0.19          & 0.17         & 
0.14          \\
 Adj. R$^2$ & 0.15          & 0.14          & 0.11          & 0.14         & 
0.13          \\
 Num. obs.  & 100           & 100           & 100           & 100          & 
100           \\
 RMSE       & 23.90         & 24.13         & 24.55         & 24.04        & 
24.20         \\

** long table export crash

  #+begin_src latex :results raw
KILLED & LINE!!!! \kill
\caption[An optional table caption ...]{A long table\label{long}}\\
{This part appears at the top of the table}\\
{This part appears at the top of every other page}\\
This goes at the&bottom.\\
These lines will&appear\\
in place of the & usual foot\\
at the end& of the table\\
\env{longtable} columns are specified& in the \\
same way as in the \env{tabular}& environment.\\
\multicolumn{2}{||c||}{This is a ...}\\
Some lines may take...&
\raggedleft This last column is a ā€˜ā€˜pā€™ā€™ column...
Lots of lines& like this.\\
Lots\footnote{...} of lines& like this.\\
lines& like this\footnote{...}\\
Lots of lines& like this.\\

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