Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-02-04 Thread giles
David Engster writes:

 Just FYI: Giles send me the offending calendar entry off-list and this
 issue is fixed.

Leaving me as a very happy bunny as I can now further reduce my
excursions outside Emacs.  And my thanks to David for a very rapid turn

Giles Chamberlin

Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-02-02 Thread David Engster
David Engster writes:
 'giles' writes:
 David Engster writes:
 Could you please do M-x toggle-debug-on-error before running the sync
 and post the resulting backtrace here?

 Slightly different behaviour this time: first seven events synced fine,
 number 8 blew up the same way.

 Debugger entered--Lisp error: (search-failed ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=)
   re-search-forward(;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)= nil nil)
   icalendar--read-element(VEVENT nil)
   icalendar--read-element(VCALENDAR nil)
   icalendar--read-element(nil nil)

 There must be something weird with the events you have. Could be that
 it's the special characters you mentioned, but I'm afraid I'll need to
 see the event which triggers this.

Just FYI: Giles send me the offending calendar entry off-list and this
issue is fixed.


[O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-01-30 Thread giles
org-caldav looks great but I've had a problem on initial sync with
Google.  I'm using the version ending 95629 from Jan 27 to sync with a
corporate Google mail account.


#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(setq org-caldav-url;)
(setq org-caldav-calendar-id
(setq org-caldav-inbox
(setq org-icalendar-timezone Europe/London)


Then call org-caldav-sync, *Messages* reports:


Contacting host:
Getting event 1 of 28
icalendar--read-element: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

This aborts the sync: rerunning asks if I wish to resume, then fails in
the same manner.

Any suggestions?

Giles Chamberlin

Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-01-30 Thread David Engster
'giles' writes:
 Contacting host:
 Getting event 1 of 28
 icalendar--read-element: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

Could you please do M-x toggle-debug-on-error before running the sync
and post the resulting backtrace here?


Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-01-30 Thread giles

Thanks for the interest.

David Engster writes:

 Could you please do M-x toggle-debug-on-error before running the sync
 and post the resulting backtrace here?

Slightly different behaviour this time: first seven events synced fine,
number 8 blew up the same way.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (search-failed ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=)
  re-search-forward(;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)= nil nil)
  icalendar--read-element(VEVENT nil)
  icalendar--read-element(VCALENDAR nil)
  icalendar--read-element(nil nil)
  (let* ((calendar-date-style (quote european)) (ical-list 
(icalendar--read-element nil nil)) (e (car (icalendar--all-events ical-list))) 
(zone-map (icalendar--convert-all-timezones ical-list)) (dtstart 
(icalendar--get-event-property e (quote DTSTART))) (dtstart-zone 
(icalendar--find-time-zone (icalendar--get-event-property-attributes e (quote 
DTSTART)) zone-map)) (dtstart-dec (icalendar--decode-isodatetime dtstart nil 
dtstart-zone)) (start-d (icalendar--datetime-to-diary-date dtstart-dec)) 
(start-t (icalendar--datetime-to-colontime dtstart-dec)) (dtend 
(icalendar--get-event-property e (quote DTEND))) (dtend-zone 
(icalendar--find-time-zone (icalendar--get-event-property-attributes e (quote 
DTEND)) zone-map)) (dtend-dec (icalendar--decode-isodatetime dtend nil 
dtend-zone)) (dtend-1-dec (icalendar--decode-isodatetime dtend -1 dtend-zone)) 
end-d end-1-d end-t (summary (icalendar--convert-string-for-import (or 
(icalendar--get-event-property e (quote SUMMARY)) No Title))) (description 
(icalendar--convert-string-for-import (or (icalendar--get-event-property e 
(quote DESCRIPTION)) ))) (rrule (icalendar--get-event-property e (quote 
RRULE))) (rdate (icalendar--get-event-property e (quote RDATE))) (duration 
(icalendar--get-event-property e (quote DURATION (if (and dtstart (string= 
(cadr (icalendar--get-event-property-attributes e (quote DTSTART))) DATE)) 
(setq start-t nil)) (if duration (progn (let ((dtend-dec-d 
(icalendar--add-decoded-times dtstart-dec (icalendar--decode-isoduration 
duration))) (dtend-1-dec-d (icalendar--add-decoded-times dtstart-dec 
(icalendar--decode-isoduration duration t (if (and dtend-dec (not (eq 
dtend-dec dtend-dec-d))) (message Inconsistent endtime and duration for %s 
summary)) (setq dtend-dec dtend-dec-d) (setq dtend-1-dec dtend-1-dec-d 
(setq end-d (if dtend-dec (icalendar--datetime-to-diary-date dtend-dec) 
start-d)) (setq end-1-d (if dtend-1-dec (icalendar--datetime-to-diary-date 
dtend-1-dec) start-d)) (setq end-t (if (and dtend-dec (not (string= (cadr 
(icalendar--get-event-property-attributes e ...)) DATE))) 
(icalendar--datetime-to-colontime dtend-dec) start-t)) (list start-d start-t 
(if end-t end-d end-1-d) end-t summary description))
  (setq eventdata (org-caldav-convert-event))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (org-caldav-get-event uid)) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward 
^SEQUENCE:\\s-*\\([0-9]+\\) nil t) (progn (org-caldav-event-set-sequence cur 
(string-to-number (match-string 1)) (setq eventdata 
  (while --dolist-tail-- (setq cur (car --dolist-tail--)) (setq uid (car cur)) 
(setq org-caldav-sync-result (cons (list uid (org-caldav-event-status cur) 
(quote cal-org)) org-caldav-sync-result)) (setq counter (1+ counter)) (message 
Getting event %d of %d counter (length events)) (save-current-buffer 
(set-buffer (org-caldav-get-event uid)) (goto-char (point-min)) (save-excursion 
(if (re-search-forward ^SEQUENCE:\\s-*\\([0-9]+\\) nil t) (progn 
(org-caldav-event-set-sequence cur (string-to-number (match-string 1)) 
(setq eventdata (org-caldav-convert-event))) (if (eq (org-caldav-event-status 
cur) (quote new-in-cal)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file-noselect 
org-caldav-inbox)) (org-caldav-debug-print (format Event UID %s: New in Cal 
-- Org inbox. uid)) (goto-char (point-max)) (apply (quote 
org-caldav-insert-org-entry) (append eventdata (list uid))) (setq buf 
(current-buffer))) (org-caldav-debug-print (format Event UID %s: Changed in 
Cal -- Org uid)) (let ((marker (org-id-find (car cur) t))) (if (null marker) 
(progn (error Could not find UID %s. (car cur (save-current-buffer 
(set-buffer (marker-buffer marker)) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (if 
org-caldav-backup-file (progn (org-caldav-backup-item))) (if (or (eq 
org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org (quote title-only)) (eq 
org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org (quote title-and-timestamp))) (progn 
(org-caldav-change-heading (nth 4 eventdata (if (or (eq 
org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org (quote timestamp-only)) (eq 
org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org (quote title-and-timestamp))) (progn 
(org-caldav-change-timestamp (apply ... ... (if (eq 
org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org (quote all)) (progn (delete-region 
(org-entry-beginning-position) (org-entry-end-position)) (apply (quote 
org-caldav-insert-org-entry) (append eventdata ... (setq buf 

Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-01-30 Thread giles
In addition to the back trace I've just posted, one thought springs to
mind given the regex search: My appointments feature a number of Norwegians
whose names contain å, ø: non-ascii characters.  May not be relevant but

Giles Chamberlin

Re: [O] org-caldav issue: Search failed: ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=

2013-01-30 Thread David Engster
'giles' writes:
 David Engster writes:
 Could you please do M-x toggle-debug-on-error before running the sync
 and post the resulting backtrace here?

 Slightly different behaviour this time: first seven events synced fine,
 number 8 blew up the same way.

 Debugger entered--Lisp error: (search-failed ;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)=)
   re-search-forward(;\\([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\)= nil nil)
   icalendar--read-element(VEVENT nil)
   icalendar--read-element(VCALENDAR nil)
   icalendar--read-element(nil nil)

There must be something weird with the events you have. Could be that
it's the special characters you mentioned, but I'm afraid I'll need to
see the event which triggers this.

I just pushed a change to org-caldav which introduces the option for
excessive debug output. Please pull the new version and do

(setq org-caldav-debug-level 2)

before running org-caldav-sync. The iCalendar events will then be put
fully into the *org-caldav-debug-buffer*. Please send me the event which
triggers this bug; it should simply be the last one you see in there.
You can also send me the whole buffer, of course, but *please* remember
to edit/delete any private data from these events you don't want me to
see. I'd also recommend to send it directly to me and not to the list.
