(Continuing from a previous thread about navigation to the top node.)

Another option is this.  The relevant part is alpha-org-up.

The OP in the top node thread would use c-m-RET repeat.  I use my own
(arrow key + RET) navigation scheme.  I do the same for Lisp using
forward-sexp, forward-symbol, and backward-up-list.

Here is part of an incomplete table:

| object              | move    | shift  | mark    | copy | kill   | notes     |
|                     | point   | object |         |      | or del |           |
| sexp gnu same level | c-m-lr  | c-m-t  | c-m-SPC |      |        | mark-sexp |
| sexp gnu up/first   | c-m-ud  |        | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |
| defun gnu           | c-m-ae  | nyi    | c-m-h   |      |        | mark-defu |
| defun gnu           | c-m-HE  | nyi    | c-m-h   |      |        | home/end  |
| sexp my same level  | c-m-lr  | h-     | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |
| sexp my = symbol?   | c-m-ud  | h-     | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |
| sexp my up          | c-m-RET | h-     | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |
| defun my            | s-lr?   | h-s-lr | c-m-h   |      |        |           |
| org subtree         | moot    | m-s-ud | c-c @   |      |        | -> c-m-h  |
| org headline        | c-m-ud  | m-ud   | c-m-SPC |      |        | nyi mark  |
| org head same level | c-m-lr  | moot   | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |
| org head up         | c-m-RET | moot   | c-m-SPC |      |        |           |

Note that sometimes you want Lisp navigation in org mode buffers.  I
have kludged this by looking for parentheses near point, but perhaps a
better job could be done by looking until the next/previous item or
headline for parentheses.  If anybody implements that, please post or
send to me and I will post.

myc is just a macro that does (function (lambda () (interactive) ...)
for brevity.

  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta left)]
    (myc (if (looking-back "[]()<>{}]")
           (outline-backward-same-level 1))))
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta right)]
    (myc (if (looking-at "[]()<>{}]")
           (outline-forward-same-level 1))))
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta up)]
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta down)]
  ;;in gnu lisp, there is no separate up as i have.  ud change level.  lr go
  ;;back and forward at the same level.  sounds simple in principle.
  ;;however, that makes it hard to go to the previous visible heading (or
  ;;last element of prev list in lisp): you have to do up, left, down, right
  ;;upshot: my way is more intuitive.  ud goes ud, lr goes same level, ret
  ;;goes up.
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta return)]

(defun alpha-org-up ()
  "Go up by moving point to the next-highest
item or headline in the following sequence:

  - the item
  - the parent item
  - the headline
  - the parent headline
     (backward-char 1)
     (if (org-in-item-p)
    ((org-in-item-p) (org-beginning-of-item))
    ((org-at-heading-p) (call-interactively 'outline-up-heading))
    (t (outline-back-to-heading))))

I would like for the other 4 commands (udlr) to be modified to work
with lists then headlines just as alpha-org-up does.  I have not been
able to do so.  Anybody game?

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