Hi everyone,

I have just installed the following text as the new welcome message to this mailing list. You are all members already, so I am copying it here.

- Carsten

Welcome to the Org-mode mailing list.

We need your help, so that we can continue to help you.

This has become a high-volume list. There is a significant number of experts on this list, and we are all willing to answer questions. However, we all have limited time. We ask for your cooperation to make sure that the amount of unnecessary traffic on the list is minimized.

1. Before submitting a bug report, make sure that you have tried the newest version of Org-mode - chances are that the bug is already fixed.

2. Before asking a question, make sure you have looked in the manual and in the FAQ, and that you have also searched the mailing list archives. Chances are that you are not the first with this question.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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