Benjamin Beckwith <> writes:

> I have an issue with my particular setup when using org-capture.  Here
> is my relevant capture template:
> (setq org-capture-templates
>       '(("t" "todo" entry
>        (file "~/Documents/Org/")
>        "* TODO %?\n  %U\n  %a" :clock-in t :clock-resume t))
> I have all tasks go to the file as shown above.  They are
> are first-level TODOs. Say I have a list of tasks such as
> * TODO A (Currently clocked in)
> * TODO B
> * TODO C
> Also let the point be on the task B line.  Now if I call org-capture
> and store a task, B become the task that get clocked in after
> completing the capture.  Which gives me:
> * TODO A
> * TODO B (Now clocked in)
> * TODO C
> * TODO New Capture
> I believe that the issue is within org-capture-finalize and the call
> to org-with-point-at, but I have exceeded my elisp debugging skills
> and need help.
> I am using the very latest org-mode master with emacs 23.1 on windows.
>  Any ideas?

I can confirm this bug (sort of).  My newly 'New Capture' task keeps
clocking after filing instead of task 'B'.

It seems it works okay if you are clocking a task in a different buffer
from the target file for the capture.

In my case when I finish the capture with C-c C-c the clock stays on the
newly captured task instead of moving back to the previously clocking
task in  If I clock a task in the clock correctly
switches to the capture task in and back to the task
when I file the captured task.

I'll look into this more on Sunday if nobody beats me to it.


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