Re: [Orgmode] Re: Question on org-beamer markup

2011-01-13 Thread Eric S Fraga
Rafael Villarroel writes:

 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 Erik Iverson wrote:
 According to

 the following markup should work when exporting to PDF from an org-beamer

 - the first, very @important@, point!
 - the previous point shows the use of the special markup which
   translates to the Beamer specific /alert/ command for highlighting

 However, upon export the resulting .tex file does not actually contain this
 translation from @important@ to the alert command, but rather sill has
 @important@ in the output.

 Am I missing some part of the setup process?

 You must update *manually* the var =org-export-latex-emphasis-alist=:

 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   ;; alist of LaTeX expressions to convert emphasis fontifiers
   (setq org-export-latex-emphasis-alist
 '((* \\textbf{%s} nil)
   (/ \\emph{%s} nil)
   (_ \\underline{%s} nil)
   (+ \\st{%s} nil)
   (= \\url{%s} nil)
   ;; `url' breaks lines in long strings (was `verb')
   (~ \\verb~%s~ t)
   (@ \\alert{%s} nil)))

 This should be enough right?

   (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '(@ org-warning i /i))
   (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-emphasis-alist '(@ \\alert{%s} nil))

 However, it does not work for me with 
 Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.166.gf7a7.dirty)
 (that is, neither the text between @'s is fontified, nor is exported to
 an alert, as Erik mentioned.

 This, however, does work for me:

   (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '(+ org-warning i /i))
   (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-emphasis-alist '(+ \\alert{%s} nil))

 so I'm thinking, maybe there is something else to be done to declare @
 as a valid delimiter?


Strange.  I don't specify anything anywhere in my initialisation files
about the @ symbol being special.  All I have in my files is:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-emphasis-alist (quote ((* bold b /b) 
 (/ italic i /i)
 (_ underline span 
style=\text-decoration:underline;\ /span)
 (= org-code code /code verbatim)
 (~ org-verbatim code /code verbatim)
 (+ (:strike-through t) del /del)
 (@ org-warning b /b)))
  org-export-latex-emphasis-alist (quote 
   ((* \\textbf{%s} nil)
(/ \\emph{%s} nil) 
(_ \\underline{%s} nil)
(+ \\texttt{%s} nil)
(= \\verb=%s= nil)
(~ \\verb~%s~ t)
(@ \\alert{%s} nil)))

I would have thought that =add-to-list= should have worked as well.  

However, I do have this customisation at the very *start* of all of my
org customisations, even *before* my =(require 'org-install)= line!  It
may be that these variables need to be set before you load org?
Alternatively, maybe you should use emacs's customisation methods to set
these variables?


: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs 23.2.1
: using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.168.g0ec8)

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[Orgmode] Re: Question on org-beamer markup

2011-01-12 Thread Rafael Villarroel
Sébastien Vauban writes:

 Erik Iverson wrote:
 According to

 the following markup should work when exporting to PDF from an org-beamer

 - the first, very @important@, point!
 - the previous point shows the use of the special markup which
   translates to the Beamer specific /alert/ command for highlighting

 However, upon export the resulting .tex file does not actually contain this
 translation from @important@ to the alert command, but rather sill has
 @important@ in the output.

 Am I missing some part of the setup process?

 You must update *manually* the var =org-export-latex-emphasis-alist=:

 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   ;; alist of LaTeX expressions to convert emphasis fontifiers
   (setq org-export-latex-emphasis-alist
 '((* \\textbf{%s} nil)
   (/ \\emph{%s} nil)
   (_ \\underline{%s} nil)
   (+ \\st{%s} nil)
   (= \\url{%s} nil)
   ;; `url' breaks lines in long strings (was `verb')
   (~ \\verb~%s~ t)
   (@ \\alert{%s} nil)))

This should be enough right?

  (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '(@ org-warning i /i))
  (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-emphasis-alist '(@ \\alert{%s} nil))

However, it does not work for me with 
Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.166.gf7a7.dirty)
(that is, neither the text between @'s is fontified, nor is exported to
an alert, as Erik mentioned.

This, however, does work for me:

  (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '(+ org-warning i /i))
  (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-emphasis-alist '(+ \\alert{%s} nil))

so I'm thinking, maybe there is something else to be done to declare @
as a valid delimiter?


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