Still not using it, but soon. Thanks for the hint!

Does gpg-agent help?


On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:58:59 +0100
Richard Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to use easypg with org-mode.
> In emacs 23 its included and I just have:
> (require 'epa)
> (epa-file-enable)
> although I thinks its default is on anyway.
> Create a "private.gpg" with these as the first lines and save it in your
> org files directory.
> ,----
> | -*- mode: org -*- -*- epa-file-encrypt-to: ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") -*-
> | #+AUTHOR:    name
> | #+DATE:      <2008-03-23 Sun>
> | #+LANGUAGE:  en
> | 
> | * Private
> `----
> replace name and domain as appropriate.
> Here is a template to add for it:
>               ("private"    ?p "* %^{Title|%i} %^G\n  :PROPERTIES: \n  
> :Entered: %U\n  :Link: %a\n  :END: \n%x%?" "private.gpg" "Private")
> Now create a new private item and commit it.
> One is prompted three times for the passphrase
> Anyone else using it with org and if so have you managed to cache?
> opening an "x.gpg" without the local mode prompts only once when you
> open it and uses the cache when saving it so no password reprompt.
> I dont know if this multi-pass prompt is emacs or org-mode so post here
> for completeness. It seems to be org-mode forcing it.
> easypg with org-mode makes a really powerful, secure note taking
> environment!
> -- 
>  important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the 
> satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the 
> reparation of the evils and damages by the technology of yesterday.  ~Dennis 
> Gabor, Innovations:  Scientific, Technological and Social, 1970
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