Good day,

I use the org-mode to take statistical data from remote servers. And founf out 
that current scheme such this doesn't support a port value:

#+name: ALLODS-248601-database
#+header: :engine mysql
#+header: :dbhost
#+header: :dbuser test
#+header: :dbpassword  test
#+header: :database test
#+begin_src sql :file /tmp/test.csv
  SELECT  *  FROM test;

I made some changes to the ob-sql.el file and now it supports the ":dbport" 
value. I attached the file which include changes, and would like to suggest 
apply the settings to the future versions.
Now it works like this:

#+name: ALLODS-248601-database
#+header: :engine mysql
#+header: :dbhost
#+header: :dbport "13306"
#+header: :dbuser test
#+header: :dbpassword test
#+header: :database test
#+begin_src sql :file /tmp/test.csv
  SELECT  *  FROM test;

I am a beginner lisp developer and I am not sure that I made correct fix, and 
would like to ask you to improve this file. 

Denis Mekshun

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