Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-13 Thread Ken Mankoff
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 7:56 PM Berry, Charles  wrote:

> : # of src block names: 3
> :  Number of Seconds: 0.0498
> : # of src block names: 68
> :  Number of Seconds: 2.1021
> : # of src block names: 200
> :  Number of Seconds:15.4018
> : # of src block names: 266
> :  Number of Seconds:26.6689
> : # of src block names: 332
> :  Number of Seconds:41.2211
> So my mental count of 10 seconds for 200 blocks was a bit off.
> And the time is very nearly quadratic in the number of named src blocks:

One more thought - even if your system is significantly faster for some
unknown reason - why is export taking ~15 seconds for 200 blocks *when you
aren't exporting any of the code*.
 Why is <> expansion occurring if ":eval never-export" is set? There
seems to be something inefficient going on here.


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-13 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Chuck,

Thanks for your continued help and interest in this issue.

Here are the results from the timing test using your code:

| # Blocks | w/o noweb | noweb | NESTED  noweb |
|3 |  0.05 |   |  0.33 |
|   13 | 0.155 |   1.9 |  3.76 |
|   23 |  0.27 |   6.8 | 16.95 |
|   33 |  0.40 |  16.8 | 37.96 |
|   43 |  0.62 |   | 81.92 |
|  143 |  4.06 |   |   |

On 2018-06-13 at 19:55 +02, Berry, Charles  wrote:
> This is on my late-2012 MacBook Pro. MacOS 10.13.5, Emacs 25.3.1, org
> 9.1.13. So this sounds almost exactly like your setup.

I'm on a 2014 MBP, 10.12.6, same Emacs and Org, and 16 GB RAM.

> Maybe time to try a minimal init file to see if something you have
> customized is bogging things down.

I've been doing this in "Emacs -Q" the whole time.

I'm not sure why this works on your system and not mine, but this is my first 
foray into noweb. I'll return to my old methods for now, or at least separate 
the code and text I'm about to begin writing into separate Org docs so that the 
text export is not impacted by this issue.


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-13 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 10:32 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:12 AM Berry, Charles  wrote:
> > On Jun 12, 2018, at 2:30 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> > 
> > Based on the profiling, I think the reason it takes 1 minute is because the 
> > code blocks use <> blocks?
> I do not see this.
> It takes a bit longer to run the noweb example you gave with 200 `baz' src 
> blocks, but nothing crazy - like 10 seconds versus 5 for your other example. 
> I used `C-c C-e l L' for each.
> And the profiler gives `org-babel-expand-noweb-references' about 2% of the 
> total.
> You are using a recent version of org, right?
> Yes: 9.1.13-elpa or org-20180604.
> Emacs-mac 26.1 port on OSX from Macports.
> Or Emacs 25.3 downloaded from
> Are you sure you hd 200 baz blocks? I'm not actually able to test with that 
> many. 10 takes 1 second. 20 takes 10 seconds. 30 takes 30 seconds. It seems 
> to grow exponentially. I don't have the patience to debug how long 100 takes.

So here it is again - using your ECM. 

Use this block to record the timing and count the number of named src blocks:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval never-export
  (let ((sb (length (org-babel-src-block-names)))
(st-time (time-to-seconds (get-internal-run-time
 "# of src block names: %d\n Number of Seconds: %10.4f"
 sb  (-
  (time-to-seconds (get-internal-run-time))

Now run it, add more src blocks after each run, and paste the results elsewhere 
(argh! I should have used `:results append'):

: # of src block names: 3
:  Number of Seconds: 0.0498

: # of src block names: 68
:  Number of Seconds: 2.1021

: # of src block names: 200
:  Number of Seconds:15.4018

: # of src block names: 266
:  Number of Seconds:26.6689

: # of src block names: 332
:  Number of Seconds:41.2211

So my mental count of 10 seconds for 200 blocks was a bit off.

And the time is very nearly quadratic in the number of named src blocks:

#+begin_src R :results output

  x <- c(3, 68, 200, 266, 332)
  y <- c(0.0498, 2.10, 15.40, 26.67, 41.22)
  fit <- lm(y ~ x + I( x^2 ))



lm(formula = y ~ x + I(x^2))

-0.02650  0.04187  0.01194 -0.05929  0.03197 

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.783e-02  5.584e-02   1.036   0.4092
x   5.083e-03  8.755e-04   5.805   0.0284 *  
I(x^2)  3.578e-04  2.579e-06 138.762 5.19e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.05973 on 2 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  1, Adjusted R-squared:  1 
F-statistic: 1.67e+05 on 2 and 2 DF,  p-value: 5.986e-06


This is on my late-2012 MacBook Pro. MacOS 10.13.5, Emacs 25.3.1, org 9.1.13. 
So this sounds almost exactly like your setup.

Maybe time to try a minimal init file to see if something you have customized 
is bogging things down. 



Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Ken Mankoff
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:12 AM Berry, Charles  wrote:

> > On Jun 12, 2018, at 2:30 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> >
> > Based on the profiling, I think the reason it takes 1 minute is because
> the code blocks use <> blocks?
> I do not see this.
> It takes a bit longer to run the noweb example you gave with 200 `baz' src
> blocks, but nothing crazy - like 10 seconds versus 5 for your other
> example. I used `C-c C-e l L' for each.
> And the profiler gives `org-babel-expand-noweb-references' about 2% of the
> total.
> You are using a recent version of org, right?

Yes: 9.1.13-elpa or org-20180604.
Emacs-mac 26.1 port on OSX from Macports.
Or Emacs 25.3 downloaded from

Are you sure you hd 200 baz blocks? I'm not actually able to test with that
many. 10 takes 1 second. 20 takes 10 seconds. 30 takes 30 seconds. It seems
to grow exponentially. I don't have the patience to debug how long 100


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 2:30 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> Based on the profiling, I think the reason it takes 1 minute is because the 
> code blocks use <> blocks?

I do not see this.

It takes a bit longer to run the noweb example you gave with 200 `baz' src 
blocks, but nothing crazy - like 10 seconds versus 5 for your other example. I 
used `C-c C-e l L' for each.

And the profiler gives `org-babel-expand-noweb-references' about 2% of the 

You are using a recent version of org, right?


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Ken Mankoff
As an MWE, I can test with "emacs -Q" and the following org file:

#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
# (setq org-export-use-babel t)

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results none
 '((shell . t)))

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results org raw
for i in $(seq 200); do
echo ""
echo "#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports results"
echo "echo 'hello, world'"
echo "#+END_SRC"
echo "#+RESULTS:"
echo ": goodbye"

Execute the first code block to allow execution of the second. Execute the
second code block to generate 200 more. Export. It takes ~6 seconds on my
machine, which seems long but is bearable. Based on the profiling, I think
the reason it takes 1 minute is because the code blocks use <>
blocks?. I can verify this with the following MWE:

#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
# (setq org-export-use-babel t)

#+NAME: foo
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim

#+NAME: bar
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim :noweb yes

#+NAME: baz
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim :noweb yes

Repeat the BAZ block with the <> about 100 times and export this, and
it takes a long time. I killed it after ~30 seconds, because I think I have
my evidence that :noweb yes is the culprit for the slow export.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 11:15 PM Ken Mankoff  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 11:07 PM Berry, Charles  wrote:
>> > On Jun 12, 2018, at 12:41 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Chuck,
>> >
>> > It looks fine to me. I see:
>> >
>> > Name: fig:foo
>> > Lang: python
>> > Properties:
>> >   :header-args:eval never-export
>> >   :header-args:python nil
>> > Header Arguments:
>> >   :cache  no
>> >   :eval   never-export
>> >   :exportsresults
>> >   :hlines no
>> >   :noweb  yes
>> >   :resultsfile replace
>> >   :sessiondischarge_ts
>> >   :tangle no
>> >
>> >
>> And still the src blocks execute?
> No. The source blocks never execute. It just takes an entire minute to
> export the file with 200 source blocks. If they executed it would probably
> take a few hours.

Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Ken Mankoff
On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 11:07 PM Berry, Charles  wrote:

> > On Jun 12, 2018, at 12:41 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Chuck,
> >
> > It looks fine to me. I see:
> >
> > Name: fig:foo
> > Lang: python
> > Properties:
> >   :header-args:eval never-export
> >   :header-args:python nil
> > Header Arguments:
> >   :cache  no
> >   :eval   never-export
> >   :exportsresults
> >   :hlines no
> >   :noweb  yes
> >   :resultsfile replace
> >   :sessiondischarge_ts
> >   :tangle no
> >
> >
> And still the src blocks execute?
No. The source blocks never execute. It just takes an entire minute to
export the file with 200 source blocks. If they executed it would probably
take a few hours.


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 12:41 PM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> It looks fine to me. I see:
> Name: fig:foo
> Lang: python
> Properties:
>   :header-args:eval never-export
>   :header-args:python nil
> Header Arguments:
>   :cache  no
>   :eval   never-export
>   :exportsresults
>   :hlines no
>   :noweb  yes
>   :resultsfile replace
>   :sessiondischarge_ts
>   :tangle no

And still the src blocks execute?

Try this. Use the following in an org buffer:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results

: AA

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

C-c C-c on the PROPERTY line and confirm as above that the header-args are 
rightly set.

Then `C-c C-e C-b t A' should give a buffer like this:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
| AA
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Which you can see implies that the src-block did not run, but the results were 
properly exported.

This works for me on a brand new copy of master (9.1.13).

If it fails for you, then you need to check your org setup.

If it succeeds, but exporting your file still fails then there has to be 
something amiss in your file. I'd instrument `org-babel-execute-src-block' and 
see what the line with `(org-babel-check-evaluate info)' returns. It should be 
`nil'. If not you need to see what is in `info'.



Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the hint. I didn't think to profile. This may be useful, but I'm
not sure how to interpret the results, which are:

- command-execute   15852  79%
 - call-interactively   15852  79%
  - funcall-interactively   15666  78%
   - org-export-dispatch15392  77%
- org-latex-export-to-latex 15291  76%
 - org-export-to-file   15289  76%
  - org-export-as   15245  76%
   - org-babel-exp-process-buffer   14762  74%
- org-babel-exp-src-block   14676  73%
 - org-babel-exp-do-export  10049  50%
  - org-babel-exp-results9324  46%
   - org-babel-expand-noweb-references   9200  46%
- org-babel-get-src-block-info   8247  41%
 - org-babel-params-from-properties  6799  34%
  - org-entry-get6618  33%
   - org-entry-get-with-inheritance  6579  33%
- org-up-heading-safe5466  27%

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:09 PM Chris  wrote:

> Hello, Ken!
> Ken Mankoff ( 2018-06-12:
> > Is there a way to speed up exporting?
> I may be jumping to conclusions here, and if so, please excuse me. Have
> you tried profiling the export? (As in M-x profiler-start, run the
> export, then M-x profiler-report?) This can shed a surprising amount of
> light on why things are slow. (In my case, exporting was slow because of
> a slow hook that got triggered multiple times during the exportage.)
> Regards,
> Chris

Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Chuck,

It looks fine to me. I see:

Name: fig:foo
Lang: python
:header-args :eval never-export
:header-args:python nil
Header Arguments:
:cache no
:eval never-export
:exports results
:hlines no
:noweb yes
:results file replace
:session discharge_ts
:tangle no


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:51 PM Berry, Charles  wrote:

> > On Jun 12, 2018, at 7:01 AM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to export a file to LaTeX. It takes about one minute. The
> > file is 12000 lines long and has 200 code blocks. I have set:
> >
> > #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
> >
> That is the right idiom.  Of course, you have to refresh the local setup
> after typing that (C-c C-c with point in the PROPERTY line) or it will have
> no effect until you save and re-open the file.
> It is good to check that you have refreshed and that there are no typos or
> hidden chars in the line, so go to a src block and type
> C-c C-v C-i
> and verify that you see something like this
> ,
> | Lang: R
> | Properties:
> |   :header-args:eval never-export
> |   :header-args:R  nil
> | Header Arguments:
> |   :cache  no
> |   :eval   never-export
> |   :exportscode
> |   :hlines no
> |   :noweb  no
> |   :resultsreplace
> |   :sessionnone
> |   :tangle no
> `
> You should see both the :header-args line as you typed it and the :eval
> line showing never-export.
> > which means, I think, no babel blocks should evaluate.
> >
> > (setq org-export-use-babel t) seems to be the culprit.
> Leave it set to `t'.
> Chuck

Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 7:01 AM, Ken Mankoff  wrote:
> I'm trying to export a file to LaTeX. It takes about one minute. The
> file is 12000 lines long and has 200 code blocks. I have set:
> #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export

That is the right idiom.  Of course, you have to refresh the local setup after 
typing that (C-c C-c with point in the PROPERTY line) or it will have no effect 
until you save and re-open the file.

It is good to check that you have refreshed and that there are no typos or 
hidden chars in the line, so go to a src block and type

C-c C-v C-i

and verify that you see something like this

| Lang: R
| Properties:
|   :header-args:eval never-export
|   :header-args:R  nil
| Header Arguments:
|   :cache  no
|   :eval   never-export
|   :exportscode
|   :hlines no
|   :noweb  no
|   :resultsreplace
|   :sessionnone
|   :tangle no

You should see both the :header-args line as you typed it and the :eval line 
showing never-export.

> which means, I think, no babel blocks should evaluate.
> (setq org-export-use-babel t) seems to be the culprit. 

Leave it set to `t'.


Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

2018-06-12 Thread Chris
Hello, Ken!

Ken Mankoff ( 2018-06-12:
> Is there a way to speed up exporting?

I may be jumping to conclusions here, and if so, please excuse me. Have
you tried profiling the export? (As in M-x profiler-start, run the
export, then M-x profiler-report?) This can shed a surprising amount of
light on why things are slow. (In my case, exporting was slow because of
a slow hook that got triggered multiple times during the exportage.)


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