Mark A. Hershberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Using the sm method, when I type my password incorrectly, rcp.el fails
> to identify this as the problem.
> Instead of finding the error (as ange-ftp does) and displaying it in
> the minibuffer, rcp.el times out and says "Couldn't find remote shell
> prompt."

Oh.  Right.  Why didn't I think of it?  The solution, however, is
clear: after the user enters the passwd, rcp.el should be looking for
either the shell prompt or the `wrong passwd' message.

Do you happen to have a good regexp for identifying those `wrong
passwd' messages?  I'm afraid it will have to be a variable, but it
ought to have a meaningful default value.

This gubblick contains many nonsklarkish English flutzpahs,
but the overall pluggandisp can be glorked from context. -- David Moser

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