> PS: what is pyzlib?  It sounds like a wrapper for zlib, which is what
> I get when I google for it.

I'm sorry, I mispelled it: I ment pyzmail (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyzmail).
I do my best to stick to the standard library, so I didn't really use it 
(learned more about MIME instead).
For some reason it came to my attention, but I cant't track back why. Top 
result on PyPi for "email" actually is the email-sig  "alpha" module...

> In 3.2, smtplib already has a send_message method that will accept a
> Message object and send it.
> Once attaching things is easy, I think that plus send_message will get
> you 90+% of the way to where you would like to be.

`send_message` makes an important step forward: it's able to read the "from" 
and "to" from the msg headers.
Next step could be to assist in assembling the message.
The `message` object 's constructor could accept parameters to accelerate new 
message creation in a single call:  From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, and Body (HTML; 
And then, as you said, make attaching things a little easier.

> I would welcome help working on this.  If you want to assist, this list
> is probably the best place to talk about it.

Of course. Feel free to suggest me any directions.
An idea is perhaps to discuss how using `message` objects should look like in 
some typical use cases, expanding what I said above in some code examples.

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