I got an email from Rob at about 1:00 in the morning saying he has a 
branch to test..  Now that is dedication! :)

I tested it a bit today and I think it fixes the problem I was seeing..
Couple examples - here is what I first say (across the belly of the penguin)
http://imagebin.org/297550  Notice it stays pretty steady at 60ipm(1ips) 
- z vel limit -  when it should be going faster as most of the motion is 
in the x axis. (200ipm)

This is with robs fix.
http://imagebin.org/297549  Notice as the belly peaks (mostly x 
movement) the velocity peaks.  This seems correct.

Here is a 2 inch diameter circle made up of short line segments. This is 
before robs fix.
Peaks at 180ipm(3ips) which is the limit of the Y axis.

with robs fix
You can see the velocity speeding up and slowing down (in the middle it 
peaks at the centripetal limit of the circle I think - around 300ipm 
with my acc)

Now the issues.. Rob asked about other transistions this would be 
arc-arc...  I do see the same issue.  If I do a circle like this

It peaks out at 127ipm (which doesn't quite make sense to me..) (should 
peak around 300 I think - atleast that is what the line segment circle 
does...) master runs it at 180.. maybe g2/3 circles never acc/de-acc 
with different axis velocities..

Arcspiral.ngc peaks at 180ipm and stays there - which is the limit of 
the y axis.

I don't know about line-arc...  I played with rogge.ngc but could not 
really figure out what was going on. it might be fine..  *But it is late...


On 03/05/2014 10:05 PM, Robert Ellenberg wrote:
> Sam, another thought: Do you see this on any particular kind of
> intersection (line-line, arc-line, etc.)?
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 9:42 PM, sam sokolik <sa...@empirescreen.com> wrote:
>> Ok - I finally got a chance to test some more real hardware.  This is a
>> bastard router that has 3 different steppers/drive (it was a converted
>> step/repeat machine.)  I built robs latest (RC3) from the linuxcnc git
>> and ran some of the test programs.  some good news one bad.
>> Good news.  The motion is very smooth.  The program I was testing was
>> the LHchips4.ngc.  It sounds very nice.
>> http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/LHchips4.ngc
>> I found one issue.  A cutting profile containing more than 1 axis will
>> only go as fast as the slowest axis.  This machine has 3 different axis
>> velocities
>> X 150ipm
>> Y 78IPM
>> Z 50IPM
>> On the 'belly' of chips - there are long x-z profiles (mostly X moves).
>> The profiles would peak at 50ipm.  (they should peak at something
>> between X and Z.  The current TP actually runs that profile faster
>> (closer to 100ipm)  There are long XY profiles also - they peak at 78ipm
>> but should peak pretty close to 150ipm in some areas..
>> I talked to Rob about this - he said I should post here in case others
>> have seen this issue and didn't know what was happening.  He has some
>> Ideas on solutions and will keep us posted.
>> sam
>> On 03/03/2014 05:12 PM, Robert Ellenberg wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I just created a "release candidate" branch for circular arc blending:
>> http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/circular-blend-arc-rc1
>>> It's identical to my github branch that Sam and others have been testing.
>>> There was one small hiccup in pushing the new branch:
>>> remote: fatal: bad object 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>>> However, it looks like the build failed here:
>> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/1400.rip-wheezy-rtpreempt-amd64/builds/193
>>> I'm not sure how to interpret this error, but I suspect that since I
>> forked
>>> from master back in October, there have been fixes that my branch is
>>> missing.
>>> As a possible solution, I've been able to rebase the RC branch onto the
>>> lastest master with minimal changes. If there is a recent build that we
>>> know is solid, I can rebase my branch onto that and push it. If I go down
>>> this route, should I increment the branch's name, or just overwrite the
>>> "bad" branch?
>>> -Rob
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