
CE rules application LAWS have been introduced in Belgium by the
 Ministry of Economics and his departments.
 The BIPT (our Belgium FCC) was not involved directly.

Now the BIPT introduces additional constrains by imposing additional
 burdens like the requirement of TELECOM LICENSES for ALL test equipment!

  One of the reasons invoked:
   A spectrum analyzer (or receiver), by blocking the scanning
   can listen to "outbound" frequencies like police and other
   communications outside the normal broadcast range.
   Listen to those frequencies is strictly prohibited in Belgium (please
   US ++ people don't smile, we are in the OLD country part of the world
   and have some laws still of the same age).

  Other side effects:
   Licensed material has, in general, to comply to a specific Belgium
   certification procedure ($$$).
   By obtaining a license you allow an "inspection of your promises by
   the BIPT" without prior notice 24/24hrs and 7/7 days bases on simple
   complain from mister anybody or initiated by the BIPT themselves.

I realize this whole IS A DISADVANTAGE for my country, its why it has
 to be changed.

Has anybody else any experience with similar facts of this BIPT 
 irresponsible autocratic, dictatorial, monopolistic bureaucratic
I can not admit that the people from the BIPT imposes rules only to
 justify them self and their position.

In Belgium located industries are you concerned or do you prefer to be
 quite and sitting in a corner and behave like a mushroom?

Personally addressed EMAIL to me will be treated with confidentiality,
 but EMAIL to emc-pstc mail is preferred if confidentiality is not required.

When you send your EMAIL to emc-pstc you allow everybody, who may or
 can be involved with EMC regulations in Belgium, to know the extra
 constrains they may have to face.

Your participation will weight in the balance and will allow me to put
 more pressure on our authorities to have things changed.
I have already informed the Minister of Telecom Mr. DI RUPO, having
 the BIPT under his responsibility, about the unfair situation.

Laws dated from mid 1979 have to be changed in order to allow the
 incorporation of modern EMC rules without any interpretation conflicts.
General statements giving ALL authority to the BIPT, without specified
 limits, have to be removed from the laws and have to be replaced with
 appropriated specific objective oriented items.

The BIPT is usually the people who propose law changes to the government.
 Are you really thinking they will reduce their monopolistic position
 and activity in your favor by having more equilibrated and justified
 laws subject EMC (and other?) implementation?

I like to concentrate myself and have all mail exchange with one Minister
 at the moment, before I will bring up the problem to the parliaments if
 no solution can be found.
If things don't change, I will steam up the thing until it become a big
 explosive mushroom (not the one sitting in the dark) if required.

I don't like to argue and compare FCC++ rules existing in other country's
 (unless they are send to my private EMAIL adr.), its a Belgium problem
 who has to be solved in Belgium.

I'm ready to the challenge to make things change, in favor of everybody
 who have, who consider or plan to have some day their business in Belgium,
 you bet.
Belgium is great, we have to keep it that way.
Paul Rampelbergh
Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium)
NOTE: BIPT is a governmental institution who stands for Belgium Institute
 for TELECOM and Post. Its the TELECOM part of course who is involved.
 The BIPT is also called IBPT in Flemisch (Dutch).

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