For radio equipment operating in the 2.4GHz and 900 MHz range in China,    
  these products must be tested and approved by the Telecom/Post Division      
of China Central Government in Beijing. You may submit data from your      
local lab, but the Telecom/Post Division will request a sample (or samples)     
      and retest. Also, you will need to obtain an import license after 
approval to           get your product into China.
     For more information, you may contact:

                Audix Technology (Shen Zhen) Corp.
                Attention: Mr. Jerry Din
                Tel: 86-755-663-9495~7
                fax: 86-755-633-2877

From:   Pat Clark[]
Sent:   Thursday, July 31, 1997 10:36 AM
To:     ''
Subject:        China

To all:

Does anyone have any information regarding type approval requirements in China? 
 Specifically, radio equipment operating in the 2.4GHz and 900 MHz frequencies. 

I would appreciate any information you could give me.

Pat Clark
Product Approvals Coordinator
LXE, Inc.

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