Richard -

I have no direct evidence to support a claim either way, but if a material
can only meet HB requirements, I have strong doubts about its ability to
have a FS of 200, using ASTME84 test.  The Steiner Tunnel testing uses a
significantly different method from the 1/2 in. flame test used for HB
testing.  The burner configurations, amount of heat evolved from the burners
and the sample size requirements make the two tests almost impossible to
compare.  It's like comparing a match stick to a bonfire.

This is not to say that some HB rated material might not be capable of
garnering a FS=200.  Some materials are rated HB, only because that's what
the resin manufacturer requested to have the material tested for.  It might
possibly meet one or another vertical flame rating requirements, or even 5V,
but if the resin manufacturer only requested HB, that's the best they'll get
(this is based on my experience testing plastics and printed wiring boards
during my tenure at UL), because they aren't interested in paying for
vertical flame testing.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 7:46 AM

I have heard that HB flame rated plastics is considered compliant with the
UL723 / ASTM E84 flame spread rating of 200. Doe anyone have any information
on this?

Richard Woods

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