Hi Folks

I am sure that Richard Woods will respond to the requests for 
clarification, but my reading of it is this:

a) The Commission wants a clear definition from CENELEC of the existing LVD 
standards that can be also be considered to ensure compliance with the 
safety requirements of the R&TTE Directive, especially for equipment which 
operates at below 50Vac/75Vdc.

That list is given in the email (and the BT attachment) and it will be 
submitted unless any of the national or CENELEC TC's object by 31 March 

b) No separate list of separate safety standards will be included in the 
(presumably soon to be issued) OJ list of R&TTE Directive standards. There 
will simply be some form of cross-reference in the latter to the acceptable 
standards listed for the LVD.

c) Other issues may come up in future (e.g. alarm systems connected to 
telecomms circuits and thus subject to the R&TTE Directive, and for which 
separate EN's already exist) but these will be dealt separately as 

d) EMC standards issues will also be dealt with separately.

Anyone else like to have a shot at it?

John Allen
Racal Defence Electronics Ltd

From:   Tony Reynolds[SMTP:reyno...@pb.com]
Sent:   15 March 2000 13:30
To:     emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject:        Re[2]: CENELEC Central Secretariat enquiry on LVD standards


     Tony Reynolds
     Pitney Bowes Ltd

______________________________ Reply Separator 
Subject: RE: CENELEC Central Secretariat enquiry on LVD standards and
Author:  "Scott Douglas" <s_doug...@ecrm.com> at smtpgwy
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date:    14/03/00 11:13


Can you or someone else please put this in layperson's terms?

ECRM Incorporated
Tewksbury, MA  USA

-----Original Message-----
From: wo...@sensormatic.com [mailto:wo...@sensormatic.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 7:46 AM
To: t...@world.std.com; emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: CENELEC Central Secretariat enquiry on LVD standards and thei r
l ink to the R&TT
Importance: Low

FYI. Richard Woods

-----Original Message-----
From: isoeta...@cenelec.be <mailto:isoeta...@cenelec.be>  [
mailto:isoeta...@cenelec.be <mailto:isoeta...@cenelec.be> ]
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 1:20 PM
To: "NC_all"@cenelec.be <mailto:>
Cc: "PD_all"@cenelec.be; <mailto:>  stan.st...@dial.pipex.com;
keith_sti...@bsi.org.uk; <mailto:keith_sti...@bsi.org.uk;>
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<mailto:j...@gimalarme.fr;>  reib...@thmulti.com;
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<mailto:michaelhke...@cs.com;>  direct...@cenelec.be;
corpor...@cenelec.be <mailto:corpor...@cenelec.be>
Subject: Central Secretariat enquiry on LVD standards and their link to
the R&TTE Directive

This message is addressed to all National Committees
with cc to all Permanent Delegates, the Chairmen and Secretaries of CLC/TC
TC 76, TC 79, TC 92, TC 209 and the Reporting Secretariat of IEC/TC 103.

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

On 2000-03-02 an informal EC/CENELEC/ETSI meeting was held concerning the
Directive (R&TTED) and its relation to the LVD and the EMC Directive

The outcome of this meeting was considered as document BT(Bxl/SG)1087
by 103 BT which led to the following decisions:

D103/181  BT noted the outcome of the EC/CENELEC/ETSI information meeting

        2000-03-02, concerning the R&TTE Directive and its relation to the
        and the EMC Directive.

D103/182  BT invited CS to arrange a procedure in writing (with deadline
        2000-03-31) on the suitability of the identified standards from TC
        TC 76, TC 92, TC 209 and SR 103 as harmonised standards under the
        Directive (for products falling outside the LVD scope) in view of
        subsequent information towards the Commission.

You will read that, as there are no specific requirements for the R&TTED,
additional to the LVD, this means that the LVD standards will be "taken
over" by
the R&TTED (by means of a reference in the OJEC). There are however two
linked to the R&TTED and this in the voltage range 0 V to 50 V AC/75 V DC
(outside the LVD scope) i.e.:

   the use of the existing LVD standards in this range as harmonised
   under the R&TTED
   the possible preparation (following a future mandate) of some specific
   harmonised standards (e.g. for alarm systems) for the R&TTE Directive

This Central Secretariat enquiry, in accordance with D103/182, deals with
first type of standards.

>From the report on the EC/CENELEC/ETSI meeting and the subsequent 103 BT
decisions, you will understand that it is of utmost importance for CENELEC
send a confirmation to the EC that identified standards, listed under the
can also be used under the R&TTED, including for the lower voltage range.

Together with ETSI and after consultation with the Chairmen/Secretaries of
relevant CENELEC technical bodies, we have identified following standards
would fall into this context:

    EN  60950  "Safety of information technology equipment, including
             business equipment"
    EN   60065   "Audio,   video   and   similar  electronic  apparatus:
    EN 60825 "Safety of laser products"
             "Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user's
             "Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communications systems"
    EN  41003  "Particular  safety requirements for equipment to be
connected to
             telecommunications networks"
    EN 60215 "Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment"
    EN  50083-1  "Cabled  distribution systems for television and sound
             Part 1: Safety requirements"

Unless advice to the contrary from your side by 2000-03-31 at the latest,

shall inform the Commission that these standards can also be used for the
in the lower voltage range.

Yours faithfully,

J.-P. Vetsuypens
Division Manager
Programming and technical co-ordination

(See attached file: 553bxl1087.doc)

 <<Lotus Manuscript 1.0>>

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