The last time I had a spam attack it was the middle of the night.  It
was quickly solved with a frying pan, butter, two slices of bread and
some mustard :-)

[] On Behalf Of Rich Nute
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:29 PM
To: Product Safety Technical Committee
Cc: Jim Bacher; Mike Cantwell; Scott Douglas; David Heald
Subject: Turkish Tabloid -- Spiegel -- Sober -- a brief explanation

Since May 16, worldwide spam messages have been sent
containing links to the Spiegel web site.  One of those 
messages found its way to emc-pstc.  

The spam uses a variant of the mass-mailing worm Sober.
This worm taps into inboxes and then sends out infected
mail to everyone listed.  

If emc-pstc is listed in the mailbox, then our emc-pstc
listserver will treat the message as a valid posting 
>from a valid subscriber.

According to the Spiegel web site, the "spam attack 
was apparently conducted by Germany-based neo-Nazis."
You can find a complete explanation at the Spiegel web
site under "newsletter."

Details of the re-appearance of the Sober worm can be 
readily found on various web sites using a search engine 
such as Google.

I trust you find this explanation acceptable, and will
not blame subscribers for this worm-caused breach of 
our postings rules.

If you have any further questions or comments, please
contact me off-line.

With best regards,
Richard Nute
Co-Administrator, IEEE PSES emc-pstc Listserver
c/o Hewlett-Packard Company
San Diego

This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society
emc-pstc discussion list.    Website:

To post a message to the list, send your e-mail to


List rules:

For help, send mail to the list administrators:

     Scott Douglas   
     Mike Cantwell  

For policy questions, send mail to:

     Richard Nute: 
     Jim Bacher:   

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