Dear Colleagues,
I've just copied this news flash from the MSN site, I've already
received happy99.exe but deleted it as soon as I received it.  
Happy99.exe - I contacted the person who's email system had unwittingly
been infected and was completely unaware that the file he had received
from a business associate was anything but a belated New Year wish.  You
receive an email from someone you know, it will not have a subject
heading nor will there be a message - just the file attachment.  I've
been told if you open the file it displays a fireworks display in a
small window with the message "Happy 1999". 
Once you've received the virus, it sends itself out to entries in your
email address book without you knowing.
Melissa virus description below....
E-mail virus anxiety increases 

'Melissa' macro Word attachment called list.doc contains virus/worm that
sends copies of itself around Net By Bob Sullivan

MSNBC March 28- If you receive an e-mail with the subject line
"Important message from ... ," be suspicious. If you open the document,
it will send 50 copies of itself to several e-mail addresses it gleans
from your personal e-mail. That gives it the ability to propagate very
quickly and possibly wreak havoc with e-mail systems on Monday despite a
weekend of warnings, according to virus experts. 

'We're getting so many reports from across the world., that we know this
is going to be a huge problem come Monday,' 

Katherine Fithen Manager of Carnegie Mellon University's Computer
Emergency Response Team 

IF YOU'VE BEEN infected, don't feel bad - experts think hundreds of
thousands of PCs might have been infected in the three days the virus
has been "in the wild." 

Katherine Fithen, manager of Carnegie Mellon University's Computer
Emergency Response Team, said the full reach of the virus may become
clear Monday when millions of people sit down at their computer
terminals for the first time since Melissa emerged. 

"It's safe to say we're bracing ourselves," she said. 

The document itself contains a list of 73 pornographic Web sites, along
with usernames and passwords for those sites. The virus may have been
unleashed on the world Friday - it contains the text "Password List for
March 26, 1999." 

The virus can allow documents to be e-mailed to other people without
warning, a potential security breach that should worry businesses and
governments, an expert at Carnegie Mellon University said Saturday. 

"Melissa" spreads via infected e-mail and attacks computers loaded with
Microsoft's widely used Word 97 or Word 2000 programs, according to
CERT, which is a Department of Defense-funded computer security team. 

CERT first heard of the virus Friday afternoon and its members worked
through the night to analyze the virus and develop a fix, Fithen said. 

"We're getting so many reports from across the world., that we know this
is going to be a huge problem come Monday," she said. 

Fithen noted that since CERT was founded 10 years ago, this is only the
second time it has considered a virus important enough to warrant a
public announcement. The first, in 1994, warned of a virus that allowed
computer burglars to collect passwords. 


CERT has not determined where the Melissa virus originated. 

Fithen said she is not allowed to say whether any governmental agency
has suffered a security breach as a result of Melissa. 

On Friday, a spokesman from Network Associates said the company received
one e-mail every three minutes starting at 8 a.m. from clients
complaining about the file. 

"It's spreading much faster than happy99," he said. 

About 60,000 users were infected at the company which made the first
complaint, said Srivhes Sampath, general manager of McAfee Online. "It
pretty much brings mail systems to a halt ... We've never seen anything
spread like this." 

The Melissa macro is spreading so fast for two reasons; it sends 50
copies of itself out after it infects a user; and, it is often able to
fool potential victims into thinking the mail came from a trusted

"It pretty much brings mail systems to a halt ... We've never seen
anything spread like this." 

Srivhes Sampath McAfee 

After infecting a user, the macro reads the victim's registry and gleans
the user's name. It then sends 50 copies of itself to e-mail addresses
included in that user's address book. The subject line of those mails
includes the infected user's name (it reads "Important message from
[user name]"), which often tricks potential victims into trusting the
message and opening the attached document, according to Network

The user does not know he or she is infected until an e-mail recipient

"Word/Melissa written by Kwyjibo," is the text that accompanies the
macro. The author also pokes fun at virus writers who he or she expects
will argue about the exact classification of the pest, as often happens.
"Works in both Word 2000 and Word 97. Worm? Macro Virus? Word 97 Virus?
Word 2000 Virus? You Decide!" 

Kwyjibo appears to be a reference to a "Simpsons" TV show episode in
which Bart Simpson wins a Scrabble game by spelling out the word
Kwyjibo. The virus also includes a line from that episode: "Twenty-two
points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my
letters. Game's over. I'm outta here." 

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Go to for more links on how to
remove thses viruses.


Edward Fitzgerald
International Approvals Consultant
Direct Tel. : +44 1202 20 09 22
GSM Tel. : +44 4685 33 100

European Technology Services
Specialist Global Compliance Consultancy
Offices in Australia, Canada and the UK


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