

Please see below the details of our next IEEE EMC Society event in the UK.
The event is open to all free of charge, but please note the requirement to
register in advance.


Best wishes




Brian Jones

EMC Consultant


From: ukri...@ieee.org [mailto:ukri...@ieee.org] On Behalf Of Roy Ediss
Sent: 01 July 2013 07:23
To: IEEE ukriemc
Subject: IEEE EMC Soc UK&RI Chapter Event Notice - Haynes Motor Museum July
10th 2013


IEEE  Event Notice.


IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society UKRI Chapter.


You are invited to attend the forthcoming open technical event to be held at
a special site of interest:   

Haynes International Motor Museum, Sparkford, Yeovil, Somerset.   Navigation
postcode BA22 7LH               http://www.haynesmotormuseum.com/


OnWednesday 10th July 2013.


Meeting location:  Merlin 2 Room


Meeting Agenda.



10:00                Refreshments tea/coffee.


10:30 - 10:45    Welcome Alan Warner, EMC Chapter Chairman. 

10:45 - 11:30    The challenges of meeting future HIRF test requirements.
G. Barber, DEW &E3 Group, QinetiQ, Farnborough.


11:30 - 12:00    Multimedia EMC Standards - All change?  Nick Wainwright,
York EMC Services.


12:00 - 13:00    Lunch Break.  Food may be purchased in the cafe.  There are
also picnic benches.  


13:00 - 13:45   Human body ESD and demonstration showing charging and
discharging waveforms.  Jeremy Smallwood of Electrostatic Solutions.


13:45 - 14:30    Predicting conducted emissions from power switching
converters.  Tim Williams, Elmac Services.


14:45                 Short briefing, walking tour of collection and
opportunity to look around..  


17:30                 Site closes.  




Information available on presentations and speakers:


The challenges of meeting future HIRF test requirements. G Barber, DEW &E3
Group, QinetiQ, Farnborough.

This presentation covers the challenges of performing HIRF testing on
aircraft platforms over the frequency range 1 MHz  -18 GHz, employing both
Low Level and High Level test techniques.  Based on the increase in the EM
environment and requirements to test to wider pulse widths, this
presentation covers enhancements in test capabilities and discusses
alternative methods for meeting these requirements.   Biography:- Gavin is
the Capability Leader of the HIRF Group which is part of the DEW and E3
Capability based at QinetiQ, Farnborough.  Gavin has been involved in EMC
Consultancy and specifically aircraft HIRF test development for over 20
years. He has presented at many UK and overseas seminars and conferences
(IET/IEEE) and worked on the development of both aircraft Direct Current
Injection (DCI) methods and the development of the Farnborough based
reverberation chamber capability.  Gavin also developed experience in EMC
design and worldwide commercial approvals working within the ITE sector for
5 years.  Currently he is leading a team at QinetiQ Farnborough developing
improved HIRF test methods, enhancing capabilities and working with many
commercial and military aircraft platform manufacturers, providing both
consultancy and test capabilities.


Electrostatic discharges in the real world.  Dr Jeremy Smallwood CEng CPhys
Dr Jeremy Smallwood explores some ways in which electrostatic discharges
(ESD) arise in the real world. He uses simple electronic models to explain
electrostatic charging and discharging leading to ESD, as well as the
characteristics of the ESD waveform that can lead to conducted and radiated
EMI. His live demonstrations show how static electricity arises and behaves
using everyday materials and people as subjects, and he shows live ESD
current waveforms from charged people and objects. He discusses some
examples from his experience to show how electronic systems can be subjected
to unexpectedly severe ESD in practical situations. 
Jeremy started his career as an electronics design engineer before accepting
a Research Fellowship at the University of Southampton, where he gained his
PhD researching measurement of electrostatic discharge (ESD) ignition of
pyrotechnic materials. He later worked at ERA Technology Ltd. on
electrostatics R&D projects and consultancy. He started Electrostatic
Solutions Ltd in 1998, specialising in ESD advisory services, R&D and
training to the electronics industry, electrostatic hazards avoidance, and
electrostatic applications development. 
Jeremy has over 40 publications in the fields of electrostatics, ESD
ignition hazards and ESD prevention. He contributes to British Standards
panels on handling of electrostatic sensitive devices and control of
undesirable static electricity. From 2000 to 2012 he was been Chairman of
International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 101
(Electrostatics) responsible for IEC standards in electrostatics.


Predicting conducted emissions from power switching converters.  Tim
Williams, Elmac Services

Power switching circuits inevitably create HF emissions which must be
controlled. Identifying the paths for coupling out of the product, and
implementing a circuit model that allows for all the relevant parasitics in
these paths, allows this to be achieved in the most cost-effective way. This
presentation will describe a simple example and will show the good
correlation between model and reality that can be found.

Tim Williams is with Elmac Services, providing design and testing
consultancy on all aspects of EMC. He is the author of "EMC for Product
Designers", now in its fourth edition.


Multimedia EMC Standards - All change?  Nick Wainwright, York EMC Services.

Once upon a time a TV was a TV, a PC was a PC and never the twain shall
meet.  There were standards for TVs and standards for PCs.  Today a TV
connects to the internet and a PC can be used to watch TV but until recently
we still had the same standards.   CISPR 32, the first of the multimedia EMC
standards, has been published so what does this mean for manufacturers?
Nick Wainwright explains.
Nick Wainwright has been in the regulatory industry all his working life.
He moved to York Electronics Centre (the forerunner of York EMC Services) in
1990 as an EMC Test Engineer and since then he has held just about every
engineering and management position within the company.  In March this year
he became Chief Executive.  Nick has an Honours Degree in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering and an MSc in EMC.  During that time YES has grown
from having a small unaccredited test laboratory on the University of York
campus to having UK wide coverage from three UKAS accredited laboratories in
Castleford, West Yorkshire, Dalgety Bay, Fife and Yate, South
Gloucestershire offering EMC and electrical safety.  It now has thriving
training, consultancy and Products business streams.


The event is an open meeting, with all welcome.  There is no charge for
meeting attendance. 

If you plan to attend you need to register by informing: Roy Ediss

Email;            roy.ed...@ieee.org


For registration you will need to provide: 


Company or affiliation, (if applicable),


Book early for the afternoon meeting to avoid disappointment. 


View the location details,and information available at:

Ample free car parking is available on-site.  


For travel by rail to Castle Cary which is 5 miles from the Museum see
timetable information at:    http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/   



We look forward to seeing you on the day. 



Chapter Officers and Committee Membership as from 1st Jan 2013, determined
at the last EMC Soc. UKRI Chapter AGM on 12th December 2012.


Alan Warner, Chairman,

Brian Jones, Vice Chairman

Tony Swainson, Secretary,

Roy Ediss, Treasurer, Events Coordinator,

Brian Jones, Presentation & Speaker Coordinator,

Paul Vertannes, Membership Development.

Other committee members:

Hoon Siew,


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Scott Douglas <emcp...@radiusnorth.net>
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Jim Bacher:  <j.bac...@ieee.org>
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