Stuart - you're not crazy - at this point it doesn't look like 
genserkins accepts the theta parameter, thus it's most likely hardwired 
into the transforms. I lost braincells working on matricies over the 
past few months and Alex's work on genserkins was a godsend. I now have 
a Puma 500 up and running quite happily under genserkins - of which I'm 
forcing out only 3 joints of kins for our application. I would 
love,love,love however to reposition the theta parameter for Joint 0 in 
order to re-orient the xy plane to not emulate a vertical machine quill. 
That's not available....yet. Along with a couple others, my next step 
will be to dive back into that work and see if theta can be integrated 
as well. It is the least-used parameter, given a Puma-style-manipulator, 
so I'm not surprised it didn't get in for the first round. If you look 
at pumakins, it's STRICTLY Puma(R)-style and leaves very little room for 
other configurations - so generkins even at this level, is quite an 

There is an amazing disconnect in the world of robotic arm manipulators 
- it was mentioned that Mach3 would have a tough time doing this - would 
you believe that Unimation (Puma), Yaskawa (Motoman), Kuka, Kawasaki, 
Fanuc FM (or whatever they changed their name to again this month) - and 
others - practically all arm manufacturers can't do what EMC2 does? In 
their world, a robot arm is strictly a parts manipulator. Teach-in and 
point-to-point programming - that's it. True, there's a Mastercam plugin 
for most platforms, and if you're really clever with VAL programming, 
you can write scripts that covnert xyz point tables into macros....but 
to directly take g-code and emulate a mill quill? I got a lot of "lost 
deer in headlights" looks, even from support reps at the booths in IMTS 
this year. I was specifically pushing them on this capability and their 
response categorically was "that sounds incredibly cool - we'd like to 
see it - but to operate your robot arm we have this pendant-thingie 
here. Or one guru back at headquarters that can write some XML for you."

I think one of the big reasons it isn't pursued is due to the fact that 
understanding the work envelope versus the workpiece envelope is a 
challenge. The first thought of looking at a 6' tall arm is " 
can do a really big part with that thing" - we anthropomorphize the 
machine to our own arm/shoulder capabilities. On my Puma 500, (17" 
links, and is currently mounted to a wheeled 48x48" pallet!) I really 
only have a usable single-part work envelope of about 14"x14"x6" - why 
so small? The work envelope of the arm is spherical, and g-code 
operations are relative to planar surfaces - so I need to work within a 
planar surface that is tangent to the sphere of my robot. That space 
shrinks very very quickly. In a point-to-point program, (typical part 
manipulator) you can ignore the actual path as long as you don't crash. 
In g-code, the path is the whole purpose of the code. Thus if the arm is 
"almost" at a joint max extension, there may be a good chance you run 
out of length and fault. A fully extended arm can't extend any further. 
In a part-manipulator situation it is very easy to visualize where the 
conveyor and vice/chuck are - and if they are within the work envelope. 
If they are within, then there's little chance your application will 
fail. Since the kins has to resolve xyz into (any potential number of) 
solutions given current position, next position and mechanical limits, 
there is an incredibly high chance that eventually, it will fail. I 
think that's the reason that practically no one else out there is even 
attempting this (aside from research institutions).

It always amazes me for what many perceive as a "Hobby" platform how 
absolutely cutting edge the stuff that is done here is!


<Stuart Wrote:>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:23:44 -0600
From: Stuart Stevenson <>
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] American Robot at MPM
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
   In studying the D-H parameter I see the use of 4 parameters. I see
only three listed. Either I don't understand how 4 becomes three or
something is not correct in the DH parameters description or genserkins. Any
clarification would be greatly appreciated.
   Also, I saw a comment by SWP of a change made during the setup of the
robot here. Clarification here would also be met with happiness.
   I only ask this as I am still uncertain of PC start success (I haven't
used the hammer yet) and think I may be facing a start over from blank hard
   I am off to find a hammer. :)
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