>>>> On Mar 23, 2010, at 7:24 AM, Sven Wesley wrote:
>> Do you guys use any of the Parametric plugins for Rhino?
>> Honestly I don't see why a non parametric 3D modeler is any useful in
>> the industry
>> where you need to make more then just a part, I am not talking about
>> people doing this for a hobby or the one-offs
> <snip>
> Regarding using the parametric plugins for Rhino (such as "hole 
> making" or assembly aids), I don't, and I've used Rhino for about 7 or 
> 8 years now (wow). I used to use both Solidworks and Pro/E (Mechanica) 
> and of course, where available, or required, drew with parametric 
> references. True, if you had a boss with hole that you wanted to keep 
> mathematically from the inside of edge of a wall (typical parametric 
> use - screw bosses in a plastic box is a good example) - and you 
> changed the size of the screw that goes into that boss, a parametric 
> reference could save many hours of rework. The types of products I was 
> designing changed from very prismatic to very...not. And to be honest, 
> the organic control points in Rhino (and other modellers) was more 
> useful than having to resketch or back up and edit the math. When a 
> designer is over your shoulder "directing", there is a value in the 
> instant gratification of grabbing a control point and moving it to the 
> tip of his finger. Thus I moved from SW to Rhino. Haven't seen the 
> need to move back since.
> I build assemblies in Rhino with many parts; the stock layer and 
> transform tools do an adequate job for visualization in our applications.
> I also use Rhino4 daily in a production environment, along with 
> MecSoft's VisualMill. It spits out good gcode to our Mazak VCN410 with 
> a separate 4th axis indexer. (The indexer is used just to flip parts 
> over, I don't do continuous 4th.) The parts that aren't a candidate 
> for machining will go to laser, waterjet or punching, typically - and 
> are all 2d sheet work.
> Under most circumstances, I don't use the solid model for machining - 
> I use curves that are either the construction lines for the solid, or 
> curves extracted from the solid. The solid model is most effective at 
> visualization and selling the part to the customer. I also print the 
> solid model to our Dimension printer if necessary. Thus references 
> from feature to feature aren't a benefit.
> Holes and other bored features that aren't helical milled don't care 
> if the drawn feature is a point or a 5 mile wide circle. The cam 
> software is interested in the center and the depth point.
> The rest of the feature is created by the tool, not the model.
> I do use 3d contouring often, but rastering (or waterline, if you 
> prefer) over an entire part in a production scenario is pretty 
> pointless. There are 30 tools in my carousel, I know there is at least 
> one that is much more efficient in hogging out material in a directed 
> pocketing operation than trying to do the whole job in one pass with a 
> single tiny ballmill. The finish and dimensional stability in a single 
> waterline pass is pretty lousy, too - again, in a production scenario.
> I did, like many others, use FreeMill as my first (own) cam package, 
> on my converted HF minimill, long ago. Also like others, I enjoyed the 
> (limited) feature set of that package enough to go and try&buy my on 
> copy of VMill for daily use. Only recently, I've begun to investigate 
> SprutCam again; there are demo CDs/downloads from almost every 
> manufacturer in my library here, some I liked, some I did not, and 
> while I would gladly stay with Mecsoft for their great service and 
> support, the VisualTurn (lathe) package is lacking significantly.
> None of the cam packages I am looking for need to be feature-based; 
> it's not even on my laundry list of requirements.
> I have "played with" the PlaceHole functions in Rhino a couple times; 
> the function like PlaceHole AlongCurve is cute - making a curved hole 
> - but it's not a feature I can easily machine. (While not "truly" 
> parametric, it's not overly difficult to write scripts to do this that 
> include references, thus providing to the user, a similar effect. I 
> don't bother.)
> For me, a hole in a solid model is a "void" created by a secondary 
> "tool" I drew to perform a boolean operation on the original solid 
> block. The process is not unlike that of subtractive machining, and I 
> believe it gives me additional insight on how I eventually will hold 
> and machine the part.
> From a design stage, there are a couple plugins now that do 
> referential simulation - like Rhino Assembly - (and this may be more 
> what you're asking) which can have a value in a multi-part build. We 
> design a lot of robotic puppets that have many interfacing parts - 
> some we make, some are off the shelf - an animation of how parts fit 
> together into an assembly certainly could help sell the project; I 
> consider ourselves lucky that we have the "tribal knowledge" to be 
> able to do that with still imagery. I do have clients that will draw 
> up assemblies (such as Inventor) and bring them in for rework and 
> production. They aren't the machinists or builders, but they use those 
> tools to workout their initial intent. For them, it is a very valuable 
> tool. From strictly a machining aspect, I find it doesn't add any 
> value. I cannot yet machine the whole assembly from a single billet 
> (and trust me, I'll be cheering when I can!), so knowing how a u-joint 
> rotates against a shaft doesn't (as yet) lend any value to the 
> machining operation.
> A number of the job shops in my area don't even want to hear about 
> solid models - some only accept 2d dimensioned prints - not due to 
> lack of technology - but due to liability. No one wants to be the guy 
> who mis-interpreted or "assumed" a relation. Thus, they want to follow 
> every feature on the page, wrong or not!
> Ted.

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