Hi All,

A new version 1.4.3 of gcmc has been released.
The major change is a bugfix in the execution of if/elif/else
statements, where the final else would fail to executo when all if/elif
clauses were false.

Changes include:
- Feature: Add option --gcode-nom2 to replace ending M2 with % in gcode
as function generation
- Feature: Add --pedantic to hide not-to-bad warnings
- Feature: Implement comment() function to embed comments and debug
statements easily without too much risk into the output
- Feature/Change: Allow negative values on head()/tail() to ommit values
without knowing the count
- Change: Exit the gcmc binary with zero on --version
- Change: Increase EPSILON to 1e-14 to catch rounding errors
- Fix: Add missing --gcode-function option to command-line help
- Fix: Add --define to command-line help
- Fix: Fix 180 degree arcs to cope with calculation rounding errors
- Fix: Fix if/elif/else execution where the else clause would fail to
execute if all if/elif clauses were false

You can get the new version from the homepage:

The updated documentation is online at:

All documentation is, of course, included in the tar-ball distribution
and now also added to the windows zip-file.

As usual, let me know if you encounter bugs or have any questions or wishes.

Greetings Bertho

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