Hi all,
My LCNC system is in the garage and the PC has only one hardware Ethernet
port which is connected to the MESA 7i92H.  Works like a charm.  No issues.
I thought instead of sneakernet I'd try a WiFi adaptor I found in my sons
things when I was cleaning up his stuff after his untimely passing.

No problem.  Plug in the adaptor.  Boot the PC.
Once I entered the correct password to get into my network it was alive.
Visible on the network.

I then clicked on the ICON to start LinuxCNC and nada.  Couldn't connect to
the MESA and therefore LinuxCNC didn't start.  

OK. Backtrack.  Unplug WiFi USB.  Restart PC and run LinuxCNC. Home all axis
and move to XY home.  Super.  It works.  Then plug in the WiFi dongle.  It
connects to the network and the Axis Interface immediately reports a
communications problem with the MESA board.  Unplugging the WiFi doesn't
matter.  I have to stop AXIS but the command line window also needs to be
killed.  Trying to restart tells me LCNC is still running and do I want to

Yes.  And all is good in the LCNC world.

So the question is:  How do I tell Linux to cooperate with both the MESA and
the WiFi Dongle?

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