I have this "working" in many ways.  The dial basically works, the HAL for the 
buttons work.  The Axis Select knob selects the axis.
But the .ini "options" don't work, specifically the filters, the Z-direction 
(decrement=up??), and the accel variables.  

I'm so confused, I see 5 key user elements to it and something clearly needs 
cleanup.  But while typing all this and taking notes, it seems to come down to 
my primary problem is the item #3 here, the ini section [XHC_HB04_CONFIG], 
doesn't seem to be recognized by the .tcl file lines such as:
if [info exists ::XHC_HB04_CONFIG(mpg_accels)] {
I don't know how to debug .tcl code.  But none of the [XHC_HB04_CONFIG] config 
seems to make it to the tcl.  The only reason I can make it work is when the 
.hal does this:
loadusr -W xhc-hb04 -H -I xhc-hb04-layout2.cfg -s 3
I can pass SOME key command-line params to the .tcl, the critical ones.  But I 
can't pass the others that I need to pass.

1.  An xhc-hb20.hal file I made, linked from my main .ini file.  That's got 
button tie-ins and all and everything I've done in there works for me and makes 
sense.  This file loads the tcl driver:
loadusr -W xhc-hb04 -H -I xhc-hb04-layout2.cfg -s 3
And there, the options being passed on the load line DO work.  If it were up to 
me, I'd forget the element #3 (described below) out of the ini file and set my 
options here, however, apparently only some options can be fed 
2.  Inside my .ini file, I have this section which the .tcl file instructed me 
to add:

# use button names according to layout file LIB:xhc-hb04-layout{n}.cfg
# note: "start-pause" is connected for standard behavior
#        controlling halui.pause/halui.resume/halui.run
# these are examples, edit as required:

goto-zero   = halui.mdi-command-00
# synthesized per-axis buttons for goto-zero button:
goto-zero-x = ""
goto-zero-y = ""
goto-zero-z = ""
goto-zero-a = ""

start-pause = std_start_pause
rewind      = halui.program.step

This section makes NO sense to me.  See, inside xhc-hb02.hal, I already have 
"net rewind  halui.mdi-command-04  xhc-hb04.button-rewind ", and my .ini has 

Should I not have ANY of this section because I use a .hal, or what?  Are they 
doing both, does one override the other... I just left it be, up till this 

Then there's:
3. Again in my main .ini file as instructed by the .tcl, this section which 
DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK.  Whether or not it's commented out, these params had no 
threadname = servo-thread 
#(optional, default: servo-thread)
layout     = 2           
# (optional, 1: 16 buttons | 2: 18 buttons, default: 2)
coords     = x y z 
#    (optional, 4 max, default: xnum_joints y z a)
coefs      = 1 1 1 1     
# (optional, filter coefs 0 < coef < 1, default: 1 1 1 1)
#mpg_accels = 1 2 2 200   
mpg_accels = 1 2 100 
# (optional: reduced accelerations for all manual mode jogging)
  #                        (in machine_units/sec/sec like 
   #                       (this option requires: [APPLICATIONS]APP = 
scales     = 1 1 1
#      (optional, plus/minus factors, default: 1 1 1 1)
require_pendant = no
#    (optional, yes | no, default: yes)
inch_or_mm = in 
#          (optional, in | mm for display icon, default: mm)
jogmode    = normal 
#      (optional, normal | vnormal | plus-minus, default: normal)
#          (optional, 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5, default: 1)
#                           1: 0.001,0.010,0.100,1.000 (typ for mm machine)
#                           2: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020 (typ for inch machine)
#                           3: 0.001,0.010,0.100
#                           4: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020,0.050,0.100
#                           5: 0.001,0.010,0.050,0.100,1.000

4.  An .ini section: 
APP = xhc-hb04-accels
APP = monitor-xhc-hb04

Which I copied in from elsewhere, and I believe that's in order.


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