----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Thanks for the history, Ben. 

I think your work has an incredible amount of reach given that you’ve been 
featured in (relatively) conservative news outlets in addition to having widely 
shown your work globally. I, like most artists I think, have to spend time 
reflecting on what kind of impact their work is actually having more broadly. 
It seems like you’re in a position where you’ve found a sweet spot in terms of 
content vs. public digestibility. I mean that your work has a level of 
complexity, both technically and conceptually, that could be alienating, yet 
the way in which you deliver it in terms of its actual accessibility (Chrome 
web store for instance as a plugin in the case of Facebook Demetricator), but 
also aesthetically seems to give it a level of social permeability that is kind 
of rare for tactical media (are we still able to use that term?). It’s 
admirable, and I think incredibly rare to be able to produce such poignant but 
simultaneously, at least on the surface level, understandable work.

As we start to wind down week one, I’m really interested in your perspective on 
the future. As noted in the opening thoughts earlier this week, Margaret Atwood 
doesn’t like it when the word “dystopia” is thrown around without a level of 
criticality. As someone really invested, aware, and working in the discourse of 
social media and its proliferation of policy and culture, are you hopeful at 
all? Do you see potential in any emerging platforms to be less invasive like 
Vero or even Discord? 

Byron Rich 
Assistant Professor of Art
Director of Art, Science & Innovation
Global Citizen Scholar Faculty Director
Affiliated Faculty - Integrative Informatics 

Allegheny College
Doane Hall of Art, A204
Meadville, PA
(o) 814.332.3381

Allegheny Lab for Innovation & Creativity

Co-chair of Exhibitions & Events - New Media Caucus

Reference letters require three weeks of lead time. 

From: Ben Grosser
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 8:03 AM
To: empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Introduction

Byron wrote: Do you ever worry that you’re doing the research of finding 
conceptual holes for the corporations whose platform you are critiquing? I 
mean, is there ever a concern that they use your work to actually close 
loopholes, or more actively suppress the very real marginalizing effects their 
platforms engender?

I don't worry much about this. I think this is because, while the corporations 
have at times used my research to make (or really, more, to announce potential) 
changes, the holes they might close by doing so would be—on balance—of benefit 
to the user. Further, even if it wasn't, it's my role as an artist to critique 
the platforms in ways that enable everyday users to see them differently. Doing 
so risks alerting the companies to those same critiques.

I'll use my social media demetrication projects as illustration. Back in 2012, 
when I first launched Facebook Demetricator, many thought hiding visible 
metrics on the platform was a strange idea ("without like counts how would I 
know what matters?" was a common refrain), or that Demetricator was meant for 
those "unpopular" people whose metrics were so low they couldn't bear to face 
them. Even so, Facebook developers tried it out and Silicon Valley talked about 
it for a while. In 2014 I published a research article detailing the negative 
effects of metrics that was covered in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. In the 
summer of 2016 Facebook (which now also owns Instagram) came after me legally 
to get my work kicked off the Chrome web store (I successfully fought back with 
pro bono help from the EFF). In other words, even though Facebook knew about my 
work, they weren't using it. Sometime after this, I built additional 
Demetricators for Twitter and Instagram.

But then came the 2016 US Presidential and UK Brexit votes, and social media 
corporations were all of the sudden facing significant scrutiny. Governments 
investigated them for their roles in the dissemination of disinformation and 
targeted advertising used to manipulate those elections. The public was up in 
arms about Cambridge Analytica and the misuse of personal data. The world was 
finding concern about the negative effects of social media on self-esteem, 
anxiety, and well-being. And so, finally, in 2019 the corporations had an 
amazing "original" idea: maybe we should hide some metrics! Jack Dorsey 
(Twitter CEO) started talking about the visible follower count as producing 
undesirable behavior. Facebook announced they would test hiding metrics. Adam 
Mosseri (Instagram CEO) said hiding the like count (for others) would improve 
user well-being and announced their first "tests" would commence. (If of 
interest, the influence of Demetricator on the social media corporations was 
the subject of a comprehensive article in OneZero)

To be clear, these CEO/corporate PR statements haven't led to much action yet. 
Twitter hasn't hidden any metrics in their core product. Tests by Facebook 
haven't been observed or talked about publicly since the announcement. And 
while Instagram has garnered significant positive media attention for their 
announcements, so far their actions have been limited to hiding only the like 
count for certain users under specific conditions in a subset of countries (not 
including the US). In other words, these tests have been small to non-existent 
so far, so perhaps the influence is limited. But even if Instagram does move 
forward and hide like counts in all countries for all users, it's still a 
limited co-option of the idea of hiding metrics platform-wide. That said, I 
hope they do it anyway as it would be interesting to see the results.

Loopholes closed in response to some of my other works might be less balanced 
than Demetricator (I'm thinking about ScareMail potentially enabling the NSA to 
further refine its surveillance algorithms, or Go Rando showing Facebook they 
need to analyze a user's words in addition to user "reactions" if they want to 
surveil user emotion). But even in these cases, the primary purpose of the 
works is not to severely thwart these companies' activities (if I did that 
they'd just use a pile of lawyers to shut me down instantly). It is instead to 
enable regular users to develop their own critical lens on the platforms in a 
way that not just alerts them to problems with the particular interface 
component of concern, but also to the need to scrutinize whatever these 
platforms want from us and to question why one feels compelled to give them 
just that.


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