My question was not clear previously. I clarified and posted it here:

I am looking for a solution to efficiently communicate with an 
Emscripten-compiled Web Worker from a native JavaScript.

On Friday, 4 November 2016 19:50:28 UTC, Brion Vibber wrote:
> You should be able to pass arguments as an array to support multiples.
> For calling a function with an arbitrary-length array of parameters on the 
> worker end, try the Function.apply method:
>   var func = mapOfFunctions[funcName];
>   func.apply(Module, args); // Module is the 'this' param
> -- brion
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Sohail Siadat < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thank you. I started to implement based on your suggestion.
>> I compiled my C++ file using -s BUILD_AS_WORKER=1. On the JS side, I 
>> chose the right function on the C++ through a dictionary:
>> var worker = new Worker('compiled.js');
>> worker.postMessage({ funcName: "c_func", callbackId: -1 /* id used when a 
>> result is posted back */, data: 0,})
>> However, I couldn't find out how I can send multiple arguments to the 
>> C/C++ function. At the moment, only a function with a single argument works:
>> void c_func(char*, int);
>> If this having a single argument is mandatory, I need to encode my list 
>> of input arguments into a U8 byte array. If so, what is the recommended 
>> encoding? My arguments include String, Json, and Uint32Array and 
>> Float32Array.
>> I could not find the answer by looking at 
>> . 
>> --
>> sohale
>> On 17 June 2016 at 16:53, Brion Vibber < <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>>> I have a comparable setup in the ogv.js media player:
>>> On the main thread I have a JS front-end and an emscripten C module for 
>>> the demuxer, which extracts packets of compressed data to be sent to 
>>> Workers with additional emscripten C modules which decode the data and send 
>>> back uncompressed video or audio to be handled by JS in the main thread 
>>> (WebGL and Web Audio used directly).
>>> I think this maps to scenario 3 in your mail.
>>> It should be fairly easy to send a Float32Array and an Int32Array 
>>> through worker messages; since they're backed by a buffer, it's mostly the 
>>> cost of copying that backing buffer. (You can also send an ArrayBuffer 
>>> directly and wrap it into a typed array on the other end. Shouldn't be much 
>>> difference in performance.)
>>> Main thing to watch out for: make sure you are not accidentally sending 
>>> the entire emscripten heap buffer! If you extracted live heap views, then 
>>> the copy may be very slow as it tries to copy the entire 16M or larger 
>>> backing buffer. If you have extracted fresh buffers containing only the 
>>> bytes needed, then they should copy cleanly.
>>> If you have live buffers from the interface you're using, you can copy 
>>> them using the copy constructor of the appropriate typed array:
>>>   var newArr = new Float32Array(extractedArr);
>>> and then send that copy instead of the original that referenced all of 
>>> the heap.
>>> You can also optimize the postMessage data transfer by using the 
>>> 'transferList' parameter, putting the buffer property of each typed array 
>>> in the list. This will avoid an extra copy of the smaller backing buffer, 
>>> as long as you no longer need the array in the worker.
>>> -- brion
>>> On Jun 17, 2016 3:26 AM, "Sohail Siadat" < <javascript:>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Efficient transfer of large arrays with an Emscripten C++ Web Worker: 
>>> which JavaScript design is better?
>>> >
>>> > I have trouble deciding between the following three designs. My code 
>>> is already working well on web in HTML JavaScript using a core algorithm 
>>> implemented in C++, but I want to turn it into a web-worker, because it can 
>>> be a time consuming process, so I don't want to block the 3D Designer's 
>>> function and UI.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I have an Emscripten C++ algorithm. Which design is more efficient to 
>>> transfer large data to a JavaScript program? Since a web worker 
>>> does clone() and serialise, to transfer through the web worker message 
>>> system, there is some overhead here. Also some code is needed to translate 
>>> the resulting data on the C++ side, from HEAP32 into JavaScript arrays ( C 
>>> -> JS ).
>>> >
>>> > By efficient, I mean which design is faster, i.e. which design leads 
>>> to triggering less new and gc()(constructing and destructing JS objects). 
>>> My Web Worker uses a core function written in C++which returns large arrays 
>>> (two arrays of float[V][3] and int[N][3] with N=V=10000. It will be used to 
>>> update a ThreeJS Geometry, and will be called tens of thousands of times 
>>> over a long period on a web page. Apart being slow, this also may cause the 
>>> browser to slow down, freeze or crash.
>>> >
>>> > Solution 1:
>>> > To write a Web Worker using JS which imports a JS code compiles using 
>>> Emscripten. Cons: This option seems not possible, as the web-worker side 
>>> needs to import the compiles JS file. Data exchange: C++ -> JS -> 
>>> message(serialise) -> JS. Design: (C++)JS <-WW-> JS. Files: 
>>> core_mc_algorithm.cpp, worker.js, main.js .
>>> >
>>> > Solution 2:
>>> > Use a C++ Web Worker compiled using -s BUILD_AS_WORKER=1, write some 
>>> other C++ code on the main side that received the data, and convert the 
>>> results from HEAP to JS on the main side: (WebWorker data traser handled by 
>>> Emscripten): Pros: efficient transfer, but required two conversions. Risk: 
>>> on C++ side, it requires multiple copying from vector to array, etc. Data 
>>> exchange: C++ -> message(serialise) -> C++ -> JS, Design: (C++) <-WW-> 
>>> C++(JS) . Files: worker.cpp, main.cpp, main.js .
>>> > Solution 3:
>>> > Again a C++ Web Worker, but the web worker function are contacted 
>>> directly by the main program which is in JavaScript. Pros: The 
>>> conversions/exchanges are not done twice. There is no separate exchange 
>>> between C++ and JS, this conversion is done at the same time with WW 
>>> serialisation. Risks: The decoding may be difficult and messy (the protocol 
>>> will need to be reimplemented, which itself requires multiple conversions, 
>>> which may not be very efficient). Also, the exchange may be not actually 
>>> efficient and may not actually improve performance. Data exchange: C++ -> 
>>> message(serialise) -> JS, Design: (C++) <-WW-> JS. Files: worker.cpp, 
>>> main.js .
>>> >
>>> > I have a function like this in C++, I want to run it as a Web Worker 
>>> (this is not the exact prototype, just as an example.):
>>> >
>>> > void produce_object ( REAL* verts_output, int number_of_vertices, int* 
>>> faces_output, int number_of_triangles ) { // Run Marching cubes, which 
>>> produces a vector<int> and a vector<float>. // fills in the arrays 
>>> verts_output[] with coordinates (size: 3*number_of_vertices), // fill in 
>>> faces_output[] with triangle vertex indices (size: 3*number_of_triangles ), 
>>> using some numerical code which includes the Marching Cubes algorithm. }
>>> >
>>> > I need the following JavaScript callback function to get called with 
>>> the right parameters. It is defined in an HTML file:
>>> >
>>> > function update_mesh_geometry_callback (verts, faces) { /* verts and 
>>> faces are of type Float32Array and Int32Array of size (3*N) and (3*V). In 
>>> this function they are used to create the following object, which is added 
>>> to the scene.*/ var geo = new THREE.Geometry(verts, faces); // a subclass 
>>> scene.add(new THREE.Mesh(gro, mat, etc)); }
>>> >
>>> > Typical size at least: number_of_vertices == 90000 = N, 
>>> number_of_triangles == 8000 = V.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Sohail
>>> >
>>> > Also cross posted here but received no answer:
>>> > 
>>> >
>>> >

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