On May 23, 2024, at 6:48 AM, Gunter Van de Velde via Datatracker 
<nore...@ietf.org> wrote:
> #================
> 275           authentication, or a vendor-specific authentication method.  
> Where
> 276           the TLS connection is authenticated, the inner method could also
> 277           be a PKCS exchange.
> can the PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards) be expanded upon first usage?


> 291        As discussed in [RFC9190] Section 2.1.7 and [RFC9427] Section 3.1,
> 292        the outer EAP Identity SHOULD be an anonymous NAI Network Access
> 293        Identifier (NAI) as descrived in [RFC7542], Section 2.4.  While
> Twice usage of NAI in the phrase construct


> s/descrived/described/


> 301        Any inner identities (EAP or otherwise) SHOULD also follow the
> 302        recommendations of [RFC9427] Section 3.1.
> The recommendations are slightly tucked away in RFC9427 sec3.1
> Maybe the phrase should be more explicit that its about the recommendations
> about inner identifies from 3.1 as that section handles more as only inner
> identities


> 335        of the TEAP server, and handles the application data (inner 
> methods,
> 336        EAP, passwords, etc.) inside of the TLS tunnel.
> Maybe my little knowledge about TEAP/EAP, but the application data mentioned
> here is all about security. Maybe it should be spelled out more explicit that
> this is data used by EAP?

  The rest of the document discusses how the EAP server handles the inner 
tunnel data, so I think it's already explicit that the data is handled by EAP.

  Alan DeKok.

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