[Emu] Comments on the eap-tunnel-method-00 draft

2011-10-17 Thread Jim Schaad
I have gathered these comments over time and therefore some of them are not
fully fleshed out.  If you have any questions I will try and reconstruct my
ideas at the time.


Version Negotiation - terminate the conversation - w or w/o a fail?
Edge case - what if peer only supports a higher version than the
server supports?  NAK?

EAP Server Name Checking - On what basis does the client accept or not
accept the EAP server name?You are suggesting that it is signed by a CA
controlling the intended domain, but what does this mean?   Are you
suggesting that the CA should have a DNS subject alt name in it for the
domain in question?

If no embedded EAP methods run, then no crypto check and thus no version #
checking is done.  Also no checking done if only one inner EAP method is
used as this only sends the Result TLV and not the Crypto-Binding TLV

'serially in a sequence' is redundant - section 3.3.1

Not only does it not allow initiating multiple EAP methods in parallel, it
requires that they not be running in parallel.  This is a more strict

Para #3 - can the peer return an error and treat the failure of a specific
EAP method as a total failure for the overall process - or at least
recommend that it should be an overall failure?

Confused messages in 3.3.1 and 3.3.3 about sending intermediate results and
final results at the same time.  Specifically 3.3.1 says MUST NOT for one
inner EAP method,  but text is not reflected in section 3.3.3

Conflict between 3.3.3 and security considerations (7.5) about sending a
different value in the Result TLV and the clear result in the event of not
doing a Request-Action TLV from the client.  Is the server required to use
the client suggested result in the event it does not perform the request
action - could it use a different failure message or a success message?
Does it matter?

Section 3.4 - Need to address the following issues:
1.  what if both certificates and an inner EAP method are run - what is the
Peer-Id then?
2.  What if multiple inner EAP methods are run - which Peer-Id is used then?
3.  What if client and machine EAP methods are run - which one to use then?
(Internal what are the ids used for?)

Section 3.6 - item #2 - it should be noted that not all failure indications
would be transmitted.  The failure/success of the last EAP method may not be
sent as it gets wrapped into the Result TLV message

Section 3.6.2 - (internal) - if you get a TLV rules violation - does the TLV
itself need to be acknowledged?

Section 3.7 - Can I assume that the identifier value is monotonically
increasing and does not wrap?

Section 3.7 - it might be useful to tell me how to error for a message too
big or response time too long in dealing with fragmentation - are both just
final errors? Or should it potentially be treated as a TLS error?

Section 3.2 - possible clarification.  If all TLVs in a message are marked
optional and none are understood by the peer, then an EMPTY response message
must still be sent to the server.  

Section 4.2.2 - Result TLV MUST NOT be accompanied by Crypto-binding TLV -
not what it says in section 3.3

Section 4.2.3 - NAK TLV should not be accompanied by other TLVs.   Not sure
I understand why.  If I send an EAP plus a vendor w/ mandatory set, should
not I get back a NAK on the vendor plus a result for the EAP?
I might be happy to not do the vendor, but want to distinguish between you
cannot do this vs you choose not to do this.  

Section 4.2.10 - How can I know if the server does or does not process the
channel binding TLV?  This may be part of my policy as a peer depending on

Section 4.2.8 -  Currently says that version should be 1 while the version
defined in the intro sections is 2 - would be correct if we change the EAP

Emu mailing list

Re: [Emu] REMINDER: WGLC for draft-ietf-emu-chbind-09

2011-10-17 Thread Yoshihiro Ohba
I have read emu-chbind-09.  I have no major issue on the document.
Especially I like the detailed background and general information
about channel binding in Sections 3 and 4, great work.

I have several comments.  I hope they are minor.

[1] As far as I understand, the method-based channel binding is not
applicable to ERP.  For completeness of the specification it may be
good to add some text to clarify this.

[2] While the document mentions transporting channel bindings within
the lower layer's secure association protocol for a future
alternative, it is also possible to extend EAP itself to transport
channel bindings for another future alternative as well.  I am just
wondering why the latter alternative is not mentioned in the document.

[3] Probably this was discussed in the WG, but I want to understand
the motivation for the namespace in Channel Binding Encoding because
it seems to be a hard requirement if the peer has to know what
namespace (or protocol) is being used between an EAP authenticator and
EAP server.  Also, in some case, the channel binding operation may be
performed with a standalone authenticator since, due to EAP's mode
independence property, the peer does not know whether the
authenticator it is talking to is a pass-through authenticator or a
stand-alone one.  What namespace should be used with a standalone

[4] The following comments are related to EAP Lower Layers Registry table:

- "PANA (no pre-authentication)" is mentioned but without a reference.
 I suggest adding a reference to RFC 5191 for this entry.

- Since there is also PANA pre-authentication (RFC 5873), I suggest
adding an entry "PANA (pre-authentication) [RFC 5873]".

- The entry for IEEE 802.11s does not make sense since
IEEE 802.11s does not support EAP authentication AFAIK.
Please check, and remove it if not needed.

- IEEE 802.16m supports EAP.  I suggest adding IEEE 802.16m.

- IEEE 802.21a (which is under Sponsor Ballot in IEEE SA and the work
is almost done) also supports EAP.  I suggest adding IEEE 802.21a.

(There may be some other EAP lower layers which I miss to mention.)

[5]  References [RFC4006] and [80211U-D4.01] are not used.

Best Regards,
Yoshihiro Ohba

(2011/10/14 6:15), Joe Salowey wrote:
> THe working group last call for draft-ietf-emu-chbind-09 ends October 21, 
> 2011.   So far we have received few comments on the list.   Please review  
> the document and post your comments to the list.  Comments indicating that 
> you have read the document and not found any issues are also useful.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> ___
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