Hi everyone,

For those who are interested in discussing onboarding, I’ve reserved an hour on 
Wednesday afternoon (27 Mar) at 14:00 at the IETF in Karlin 3.  Since our last 
conversation, a few of us put a bit of an inventory together, regarding the 
mechanisms that are available.  Some of the questions we have Aren’t Quite 
There Yet, but at least the inventory is coming along.

Goal of discussion this time around  would a shared understanding of how these 
mechanisms work, what sort of commonality they have, and to perhaps have some 
notion of applicability of each.

For your entertainment, you can take a look at a table… it’s a Github table so 
you have to scroll a bit- see 
<https://github.com/iot-onboarding/catalog/blob/master/Onboard-Table.md>.  Feel 
free to issue PRs.

Also, feel free to agenda bash on iot-onboard...@ietf.org 


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