> For those that do not read svn commits mail list, I just added a
> systray module to E-MODULES-EXTRA/systray. It is very basic but should
> be able to replace trayer or stalonetray or any other tray you're
> using outside e17.
> It is still ugly as it will be presented as a plain/solid color and
> not respect theme image. Theme must provide "inset" and "plain" colors
> in order to specify the desired color. By default I used white for
> "inset" and light gray for "plain" so it matches black and white (e17
> default). I plan to implement a hack in order to improve this
> situation, but I don't know when I'll make this.
> Please report bugs and suggestions.

I like to use knotes, which has a systray icon, so I updated my e17 and
libs to head and built the new module.  My knotes icon doesn't load in
the systray, though.  It still just floats around like it used to.

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