I'm writing an Article intended to introduce and promote Edje usage among 
artists and designers. I describe the structures and methodologies alongside 
comparisons with existing technologies like CSS.

After some clickety clicks, I have started to realize that what I'm witting 
might not reflect the real goals of the project, which would be ok since I 
want to present them as my personal opinions. 

But I still want to avoid outright contradictions with the developers, take 
the introduction as an example, this is where I'm supposed to explain "what 
Edje is" and "why should I care".  Am I too far off course?

 If you ever designed a web site using CSS, if you used WinAMP or XMMS, 
installed themes for Firefox or Opera, you might be familiar with the concept 
behind Edje, which (unlike the former examples) was not designed with a 
specific application in mind. Edje could be used to cover all of them and 

Edje puts the control of the interface back in the hands of artists and 
designers by effectively separating application logic and presentation in a 
high level signal system and minimalist API.

Unlike other styling systems it doesn’t limit you to simple aesthetic changes 
in pre-specified widgets. Edje allows you to extend a concept among the 
Layout, Design and Behavior of your theme.

Designed to be simple to both ends of the process, it does not force the 
designer to become a programmer to create truly unique themes and it does not 
force the programmer to become a designer (or alter his application) to 
accommodate them.

As the lead developer of the project, Carsten Haitzler, describes it “Edje is 
an attempt to find a middle ground between theming and programming without 
turning the theme itself into just yet another program”.

Widespread adoption of Edje might very well change the way we interact with 
our desktop and embedded applications. By drifting away from 
one-size-suits-all widget based applications to unique interfaces designed 
specifically for the problem each application is trying to solve. Limiting 
the use of widgets to the few tasks shared among applications where they are 
really necessary.

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