rimmed pushed a commit to branch master.


commit d232d1513be3e651e2b014b132a44ac8b59a2c5f
Author: Vyacheslav Reutskiy <v.reuts...@samsung.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 28 08:42:22 2017 +0200

    eflete: add script for prepare release
    This script will check the build and UTC result, update NEWS and
    version in configure.ac, next will create tarballs and md5 for tarballs.
 release_prepare.sh | 189 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+)

diff --git a/release_prepare.sh b/release_prepare.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1041abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_prepare.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+function line_print {
+       eval "printf '%.0s$2' {1..$1}"
+function list_print {
+       oldIFS="$IFS"
+       IFS=$'\n'
+       for string in $1
+       do
+               echo -e "$2$string"
+       done
+       IFS="$oldIFS"
+function update_news {
+       echo -e ">>> Update NEWS file"
+       #exec 3>&1 4>&2
+       #exec 1>$NEWS_FILE 2>&1
+       #get the last release version
+       tmp=(`sed -n 2p NEWS`)
+       last_version=${tmp[1]}
+       #make header
+       title="Eflete $1"
+       tlen=${#title}
+       line=$(line_print $tlen '=')
+       header="$line\n$title\n$line"
+       echo -e $header > $NEWS_FILE
+       echo -e "" >> $NEWS_FILE
+       since="Changes since $last_version"
+       echo -e $since >> $NEWS_FILE
+       echo -e "$(line_print ${#since} '-')" >> $NEWS_FILE
+       #get the features list
+       features=`git log --since="$last_version" --grep="@feature" --format=%s`
+       if [ -n "$features" ]; then
+               echo -e "" >> $NEWS_FILE
+               echo -e "Features:" >> $NEWS_FILE
+               list_print "$features" "   * " >> $NEWS_FILE
+       fi
+       #get the fixes list
+       fixes=`git log --since="$last_version" --grep="@fix" --format=%s`
+       if [ -n "$fixes" ]; then
+               echo -e "" >> $NEWS_FILE
+               echo -e "Fixes:" >> $NEWS_FILE
+               list_print "$fixes" "   * " >> $NEWS_FILE
+       fi
+       #print to user latest changes
+       cat $NEWS_FILE
+       #get the previos change history and to result file
+       echo -e "" >> $NEWS_FILE
+       sed -n '5,$p' NEWS >> $NEWS_FILE
+       #trap 'exec 2>&4 1>&3' 0 1 2 3
+       echo -e ""
+       read -p "Do you want to edit NEWS? [Y/n] " choice
+       case "$choice" in
+               y|Y ) vim $NEWS_FILE ;;
+               * ) ;;
+       esac
+       mv $NEWS_FILE NEWS
+       read -p "Do you want to commit the updated NEWS? [Y/n] " choice
+       case "$choice" in
+               y|Y ) commit_NEWS $1 ;;
+               * ) ;;
+       esac
+function commit_NEWS {
+       git add NEWS
+       git commit -m "Update NEWS for version $1"
+       echo -e ""
+       git log -1
+function commit_VERSION {
+       git add $CONFIGURE
+       git commit -m "Update configure for version $1"
+       echo -e ""
+       git log -1
+function spinner {
+       PID="$1"
+       i=1
+       sp_chars="-\|/"
+       echo -n " "
+       while [ -d /proc/$PID ]; do
+               printf "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}"
+       done
+function check_build {
+       git clean -dxf > /tmp/git_clean.log
+       ./autogen.sh
+       make
+       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+               echo -e ""
+               echo -e "ERROR: Build is failsed."
+               exit 1;
+       fi
+       echo -e ">>> Build success"
+function check_UTC {
+       make check
+       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+               echo -e ""
+               echo -e "ERROR: Build is failsed."
+               exit 1;
+       fi
+       echo -e ">>> UTC success"
+function update_version {
+       echo -e ""
+       echo -e ">>> Update version in configure file"
+       oldIFS="$IFS"
+       IFS='.'
+       array=( $1 )
+       major="${array[0]}"
+       minor="${array[1]}"
+       micra="${array[*]:2}"
+       IFS="$oldIFS"
+       sed "1s/.*/EFLETE_VERSION([$major], [$minor], [$micra], [release])/g" 
+       mv "$CONFIGURE.new" $CONFIGURE
+       echo -e ""
+       head $CONFIGURE
+       echo -e ""
+       read -p "Do you want to edit $CONFIGURE? [Y/n] " choice
+       case "$choice" in
+               y|Y ) vim $CONFIGURE ;;
+               * ) ;;
+       esac
+       read -p "Do you want to commit the updated version? [Y/n] " choice
+       case "$choice" in
+               y|Y ) commit_VERSION $1 ;;
+               * ) ;;
+       esac
+function create_tag {
+       git tag -a "$1" -m "v$1"
+function create_tarballs {
+       read -p "Type the path to save tarballs: " path
+       if [ -z $path ]; then
+               path=$PWD"/eflete-tarballs.$1"
+       fi
+       mkdir -p $path
+       echo -e $path
+       make dist
+       mv eflete-$1* $path
+       cd $path
+       md5sum * > "eflete-$1.md5sum"
+if [ -z $1 ]; then
+       echo -e "ERROR: wrong version"
+       echo -e "Please set the release version"
+       echo -e ""
+       echo -e "Usage: $0 VERSION"
+       exit 1
+update_news $1
+update_version $1
+create_tarballs $1


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