On Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:08:44 +0100 Marc Burkhardt said:
> Hi all,
> I stumbled upon a possible bug and hereby ask if someone could re-test this.
> I have the desktop switch to the next desktop on the right configured to
> CTRL+ALT+RIGHT. When I press the key combination while the screen is blanked,
> the machine immediately freezes with the NVIDIA blob. I need to reboot with
> SysRq+REISUB then.
> Could anyone please re-test this? There's nothing in the logs and I'm unsure
> if it's related to the blanked screen+desktop switch thing or if it just
> happens by accident.
if you have to use sysreq... sounds like the xorg drvier is hung and refuses to
give up the vt even...
> Regards,
> Marc
> --
> Marc Burkhardt
> --
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