
On Fri, 2013-12-20 at 10:45, Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) wrote:
>    Now that we have fewer packages to deal with, wouldn't it be better to use
>    the 'nano' version (something like 1.8.X.90) for pre-releases? Then when
>    it is time bump it to X+1 and remove the nano.

The idea itself is interesting. It would be nice to have some version
for pre-releases without spoiling the minor version.

One problem I see is that once we have a set of tarballs we are happy
with we would still need to another commit changing the version,
generating new tarballs and uploading them again. While right now I
would just move them over to the right folder.

More work versus clearer structure and message. I need to think about
it. I might try it out for the next stable release and see how it
works. Thanks for bringing this up.

Stefan Schmidt

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