Andreas Volz wrote:
There is a default keybinding for cycle around the virtual desktops, but
how could I do what I described?

    __KEY Left
    __ACTION __A_AREA_MOVE_BY -1 0

What should I change/add?

And how could I shrink the size of the pager?
Alt-F2 switches to the second Desktop. Maybe look at that action statement. However, .16 may not have an action that can do that with virtual desktops. It looks like the action that is attached to the left arrow is doing relative calculations and e may not have an idea of how to express the specific desktop.

The pagers can be resized by holding the windows key and right clicking on the frame (this is on my RH 8.0 box under e.16.

Robert G. Werner

How many Zen Buddhist does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to change it and one not to change it.

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