We have finished our first round of merge and stabilization phase and are now 
in the second and last cycle for 1.10. This could be a good time to put 
together what we have so far for packagers to test. Please provide feedback of 
this is useful for you or if you are fine with waiting for the first alpha 
release which would happen right after the second merge window closes.

This should not be considered a full release but more a current snapshot of 
what will await you for 1.10

New features for EFL would include:
   * eina: add eina_inarray_resize @feature.
   * eina: add eina_accessor_clone and update all Eina_Accessor to take 
advantage of it.
   * eina: add a C++ bindings to Eina @feature.
   * @feature - Apply NEON intrisics improvement to rotation
   * Evas textblock: Implemented mid-contextualization formatting.
   * evas-drm: Add evas_drm to build order for Evas drm engine
   * evas-drm: Add Evas Drm Engine (software only currently)
   * evas-drm: Add option to enable drm hardware acceleration
   * evas-drm: Start on hardware-accel support for drm
   * evas-drm: Triple buffer by default.
   * evas-drm: Fix opening of drm card
   * evas-drm: Start on hardware Plane support   * evas-drm: Add 
vsync/non-vsync support to evas_drm code
   * evas-drm: Ddd support for setting vsync with env variable.
   * edje: @feature to include license in edje file. (T1027)
   * edje: add support of last input entered in password mode to be always 
visible in entry.
   * eio: make it possible to limit the amount of memory used by threads.
   * eina: make Eina_Error thread safe.
   * edje: add AUTHORS and more than one license file to Edje.
   * ecore-drm: Add Ecore_Drm code
   * ecore-drm: Add configure.ac autofoo for ecore-drm
   * Eet: Added vieet a tool to edit eet files.
   * eina-cxx: Added eina_log support for C++, using IOStreams syntax
   * ecore-drm: Add API function to return the vt fd
   * ecore-drm: Add dependency on xkbcommon
   * ecore-drm: Add code pass along key events to ecore_event
   * ecore-drm: Set the window of the Ecore_Event_Key structure
   * ecore-drm: Add code to handle modifiers in a key event
   * ecore-drm: Add code to handle mouse input
   * ecore-drm: Add code to handle modifiers in a key event
   * ecore-drm: Add code to handle mouse input
   * evas/font: Added evas_font_path_global_* APIs.
   * Eo: Made eo id for classes a bit more secure.
   * ecore-drm: Add API function to return the drm device name
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for resize and move callbacks
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting focus_in & focus_out callbacks
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting the mouse in & mouse out callbacks 
of the ecore_evas
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_move function
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_move_resize
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for rotation set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting the title of the ecore_evas
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_name_class_set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting size hints
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_object_cursor_set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_layer_set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_iconified_set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_borderless_set
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for maximized, fullscreen, withdrawn, and 
ignore_events settings
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for alpha & transparent setting
   * ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting aspect of ecore_evas
   * edje_cc now supports program.targets keyword for adding N targets in one 
   * edje_cc now supports group.remove for removing parts from inherited groups
   * edje_cc now supports part.inherit for copying attributes of parts within a 
group more easily
   * eeze_udev gets more helper functions
   * edje_cc now supports program.sequence for more easily chaining programs 
   * edje_cc can now use group.program_remove to remove inherited programs
   * edje_edit: function that will return the source code of the loaded edje 
edit object.

New features for Elementary so far:
   * popup: implemented widget item focus feauture.
   * list: implemented widget item focus feature.
   * list: Added descriptions for the newly introduced 
item,focused/item,unfocused smart callbacks.
   * popup: Added descriptions for the newly introduced 
item,focused/item,unfocused smart callbacks.
   * hoversel: Added "item,focused" and "item,unfocused" smart events for 
widget items.
   * win - add accel preference option to elm windows
   * focus: Added focus highlight clip disable feature. (T1056)
   * focus: Added optional focus feature - focus movement by mouse_in.
   * toolbar: implemented widget item focus feature.
   * Eolian integration




Building and Dependencies

If you have an existing EFL or Elementary install, you may wish to delete its 
header files and libraries before compiling and installing to avoid possible 
conflicts during compilation. If you are compiling the above, please compile 
them in the following order:


If you have an existing EFL or Elementary install, you may wish to delete its 
header files and libraries before building the above.

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