There are 4 packages that are in epel9 that were also released with RHEL
This isn't that big of a surprise, we knew about them.  Three managed to
get branched and built before we had the check in place.  One had a race
condition with the build in RHEL.

Two are easy to remove:
** pybind11
- Nothing in epel9 currently depends on it.
- I will remove it today
** tesseract
- Although a few things depend on it in epel9, nothing depends on it's
specific version.
- I will remove it today.

Two are harder
** libwmf
- epel9 release version is lower than RHEL, thus doesn't get installed.
- RHEL is missing libwmf-devel, thus things that depend on it to build,
will not be able to once it is removed.
- I did a check and nothing depends on libwmf-devel in runtime or
buildtime.  But I know that sometimes the buildtime checks don't always
- I am waiting a week (possibly two) before I remove this package.
** tesseract-tessdata
- epel9 release version is lower than RHEL, thus doesn't get installed.
- There are about 150 binary sub-packages that get built, but RHEL 9.0 only
releases 2 of them.  The epel9 version has all of them.  Thus, removing
this package is rather huge.
- My opinion is that we get it moved over to tesseract-tessdata-epel and
built it without those two packages that RHEL provides.

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