I want to get your feedback:

When you enable Copr repository you can run:
  dnf copr enable myname/project epel-9-x86_64
The last parameter is optional and most people usually runs:
  dnf copr enable myname/project

Dnf-plugins-core tries to guess [3] the correct chroot. On Fedora it is easy.
For Fedora 35 it is fedora-35-$arch.
But for RHEL/Centos/Centos Stream it is a bit tricky.

E.g. for C9S we now defaults to centos-stream-9-$arch. But this gets some pushback [1,2]. I want to know if this opinion is minority or whether majority of people wants this.
I do not think there is an option which is correct. So it is about choosing a 
default which is correct for most people.

Can you please tell me what is good default for you:

Centos Stream 9:
1) epel-9-$arch
2) centos-stream-9-$arch
3) centos-stream+epel-next-9-$arch
4) no default, print error and let user explicitly declare the chroot

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2058471

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