Hello EPEL packagers.

I get it that you want as much as possible packages available in EPEL 9, but before you blindly branch all the dependencies of the packages you care about, could you maybe take a step back and consider for a few minutes if all the dependencies actually make sense?

The dependency might be a leftover from long time ago and might not be actually needed. Get rid of it in Fedora instead of keeping it that way on EPEL 9.

The dependency might be optional (e.g. it is only BuildRequired to test integration with that thing). Do you really need to add a package to EPEL 9 just because your package tests that it can interact with it if it is present?

The package might be deprecated in Fedora and used just because nobody got the time to do a trivial removal of the dependency. Try removing it or poke the Fedora maintainer to do it, before you blindly include that tech debt to EPEL 9. (E.g. I'd be happy to help you remove any python-mock or python-nose dependency.)

I realize that analyzing the dependencies is tedious and boring. But please do us all a favor and invest couple minutes of your time *before* you open that bugzilla EPEL 9 request or branch that package. If you are not able to donate couple minutes of your time to the package now, will you be able to take care of the dozens packages you've just imported in the next ten years?

Thanks for listening, I'll show myself out.

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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