Recently, I adopted the orphaned Zim package for Fedora. The previous maintainer had added the package to EPEL, while I am not involved with EPEL at all. Consequently, I will not maintain the EPEL branches anymore.

From going through the EPEC documentation, it looks like the Retirement Process: No Time or Desire [1] is the procedure I should follow. So, unless somebody steps up to maintain the EPEL branches for Zim, I will retire the package from EPEL.

To my knowledge, there are no issues with Zim and EPEL. I am simply not involved with EPEL. The fact that there is no epel9 branch, only epel8 and epel7, seems strange, but then, I do not know much about EPEL package maintenance.

In case I am following the wrong process, please let me know and point me to the correct one.

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