On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:39 PM Andrew Bauer
<zonexpertconsult...@outlook.com> wrote:

> I’ve read the EPEL documentation regarding incompatible upgrades, and I am 
> not entirely sure this falls under that category. Yes, it is a major version 
> upgrade, but it is unclear to me if that makes it “incompatible”.

As I recall, v3 to v4 changed the API (hopefully they
bumped the soname, but I do not know if they did).
That means that upgrading to a new version would
require you to create a side tag and rebuild (and
possibly fix any FTBFS) all dependent packages,
and/or you would need to create a compat package
to continue to support the old API (possibly requiring
changes to the packages to explicitly call out the
old (compat) version(s)).

In the case of libcec, I am going to guess that
a fair number of the apps that use it are in 3rd party
repos, making coordination of such upgrades a
bit of a challenge (side tags obviously do not work
across 3rd party repos, and other such bumps
have created issues with those 3rd party repos).

My gut says to leave EPEL7 alone (EL7 has moved
to maintenance only support level as I recall), and
only build/support the recent libcec (6.something)
in EPEL8/9 for public consumption.
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