Hello EPEL users and developers,

RHEL 8.8 was released yesterday,
so I have updated ansible in EPEL 8 from 6.3.0 to 7.2.0 to match RHEL
8.8's ansible-core bump from 2.13.3 to 2.14.2.
Each ansible major version is tied to a specific major version of
ansible-core, and we keep them in sync.

Along with this change, RHEL 8.8 builds ansible-core for the python3.11
stack instead of the python39 stack that it was previously built for.
Therefore, ansible in EPEL 8 is now built for python3.11 as well.

I also updated ansible-collection-community-general to 7.0.0 as per the
discussions in [1].

Here is the Bodhi update: 
Please help test and give karma.

Until this update is pushed to stable, you may receive an error like
this when running dnf upgrade

 Problem: package ansible-6.3.0-2.el8.1.noarch requires 
python3.9dist(ansible-core) >= 2.13.3, but none of the providers can be 
  - cannot install both ansible-core-2.14.2-3.el8.x86_64 and 
  - cannot install both ansible-core-2.14.2-3.el8.x86_64 and 
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or 
'--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only 
best candidate packages)

There are a couple potential solutions:

1. Run
     $ dnf upgrade --exclude ansible-core
   to skip ansible-core and upgrade everything else.
2. Later today or tomorrow, you'll be able to install
   ansible 7.2.0 from testing with
     $ dnf upgrade --refresh --enablerepo=epel-testing ansible ansible-core
   and then run a plain `dnf upgrade` as usual.

Note that EPEL tracks RHEL and not rebuilds. Some rebuilds may lag
behind RHEL and not yet have 8.8 content. Our goal is to get packages
out as soon as possible so we don't break updates for RHEL users.


Happy automating,

Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
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