The ELN Extras page[1] was updated with one note.  I thought I'd share that
note with the epel-devel mailing list.

NOTE: **You** are responsible when your package fails to build on ELN
Extras.  Remember to check your packages on the ELN Status Page.[2]
ELN Extras packages get rebuilt much more frequently than in EPEL.

I guess that's a little out of context.
"You" means the person putting a package into ELN Extras.

We just wanted to emphasize that when you put a package ELN Extras
you are committing to make sure that package builds in ELN for the
next three years, or whenever you remove it.
ELN Extra packages get rebuilt a minimum of once every six month, usually
more often.  It's whenever that package get's rebuilt in rawhide.
Don't expect magic to happen.
Check in on your packages frequently and make sure they are healthy.


[1] -
[2] -
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