On Sat, Jun 4, 2022 at 3:54 PM Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Let me start with examples that I get *regularly*: Pagure fails to
> install from EPEL on RHEL/CentOS/Alma/etc. because python3-markdown is
> not available. KDE Plasma fails to install because of a mass of
> missing dependencies.
> I get variations of these two examples at least *once a month*.
> Sometimes even filed as Bugzilla reports.
Neal, out of all the discussions for and against, this is the most
troubling to me.
This is the reason I opened the issue in the first place.  I had a pain
point, I wanted it fixed.
It took a while before we figured out how to turn on crb.
After we figured it out, I looked back, and noticed that I had only had one
bugzilla's, emails or pings about uninstallable packages, due to missing
One in six months.
I used to have at least two per month.
So, I assumed something happened, and that would have been the
documentation got better.

But if all my bugzilla's, emails and pings just went to you. That's not

Can you look through your past couple of months and see if there is a trend
that the "pings" are coming from certain places.
I'm really curious if we can bring the number of those down by getting
better documentation in key places.
If you don't feel comfortable sending that to the list, feel free to send
it to me directly.

If there are others that are also getting pinged, emailed, and/or bugzilla
bugs due to uninstallable packages because of missing CRB, feel free to
send those to this email, or me personally.

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